
Lesson Report Senior-1 May 13th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Sunday, May 14, 2017.
It's overcast today.

Do you want to get an Echo by Amazon?
Would you get one if it's available in Japan?
Did you understand what they were talking in the video?
If you want to be good at listening, why don't you listen to Kiso-eigo every day?
You need to learn English from sounds if you want to speak English in the future.
And, you NEED to speak English in your future!!

The next speaker is Kota.
Get ready for your speech!

*個人面談始まります!Come to @7:30 when you have a meeting!

< Lesson review>
Small talk

基礎英語 Lessons 17-20

Bridge Work 
Chapter 36 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Use #1  人類の歴史などに関することば
Chapter 36 Unit 2
Workbook page 105

Video learning : Echo by Amazon

Have a great week!
See you on Wednesday!


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