
Senior 2-Ar.29th

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-2  
BW-Review Unit 38  Unit 2
- Parts of Speech/p.203
- Phrase, Clause, Sentence/p.204
BW-Practice Unit 38  Unit 2
- Verb Patterns /p.206
Inside Reading Unit 4  Reading 1  Changing a Traditional Way of Life  #1
(- Blog Review the summary of the text in six to eight sentences.)
- Before You Read 2. Dis Think how your life now changed from ten years ago. Then what will your life probably be like ten years from now.
Reading-1  Changing a Traditional Way of Life
- Preview by Skimming: Check the title, subheadings, image/captions, Read the Introduction (L1~16), the first sentence of each paragraph and the last paragraph (L58~59)
=> Speak a sentence to describe the main idea of this text from an online sociology journal.
This text describes why and how China’s traditional lifestyle has changed to modern lifestyle from 50 years ago.
- Read-> Reading Comprehension: Underline/Mark the key words to look for. T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements. => Pair Check the Answers
-> Read aloud: Intro => STT
Interest Blog Japan’s era name


Lesson Report Senior-1 April 27th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
It's April 28, 2019.
Hope you are having a good holiday.

Please review what you learned.
See you all on May 8th!

<Lesson Review>

Greeting  Date, weather
Warm up: two min. questions: => Have you decided what to do during the holiday? (2 min. each)
ð  Report to a new partner in indirect speech (30 sec. each)

Speech:Live    Ayaka (Apr. 10) => Hiromitsu (Apr. 13)  => Kosei (Apr. 17) => Shuji (Apr. 20) => Video  Kaoru (Apr. 24) =>  Kengo (Apr. 27) => Natsumi (May 8) => Masahiro (May 11) => Keisuke (May 15) => Ami (May 18) => Akari (May 22) => Keito (May 25)

Eiken Pre 2nd Listening practice  2018-1

☆☆No. 18
Welcome to Benson’s Toy Shop. How can I help you?
Hi. Do you sell any toys from the movie Space Race? My son’s a big fan, and he collects everything related to it. His birthday’s next month, and I’d like to get him something.
Sure. We have lots of Space Race toys. We also have models, posters, and other goods.
Great. Can you show me where they are?
☆☆Question: Why is the woman at the store?

The woman comes to the toy store to look for a birthday present for his son. She asks the shop clerk if they have anything related to his favorite movie.

Answer the question. => Listen again. => Tell the partner what they heard in two sentences. => Repeating => Shadowing

☆☆No. 28
Mr. Williams has a computer, but he finds it difficult to do some things with it. For example, he can send e-mails to his daughter, but he cannot add pictures to them. Mr. Williams wants to learn how to use his computer better, so he will go to a class at the local library tomorrow.
☆☆Question: What does Mr. Williams want to do?

Mr. Williams is not good at using a computer so much. He has decided to take a computer class to learn things he wants to do with his computer.
Answer the question. => Listen again. => Tell the partner what they heard in two sentences. => Dectation

Chapter 35 Unit 2 (p. 157)
#2  Review: Read aloud the first two paragraphs.
Complete the third paragraph. => Check the answers and practice reading it aloud.
Task: Translate the sentence in Bold in Japanese. (p. 157)

Watch and learn about Plumpy’nut

Cover to Cover  Unit 1 Marriage
Part 2  The Couple That Loves Weddings
Review: Overlapping
Expanding Vocabulary
A: Learn about antonyms. Use scanning skill to find the antonyms.
B: Complete the sentences.
Summary writing

Homework for Golden Week
p. 152  Grammar in Use  United Countries and Bodies
p. 159  Grammar in Use-1  The Red Cross
p. 160-161  Grammar in Use-2  Learn from the European Union


Advancing 1-Apr.27th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-3  
Speak to Learn Chapter 38
- Parts of Speech/p.203   - Phrase, Clause, Sentence/p.204
Inside Reading-1 Unit 8  Reading 2 Looking for Answers #4
- [Looking for Causes] L29 uncaring  - not worrying about other people's troubles or doing anything to help them; heartless, unsympathetic, inconsiderate  L30 progress; improve, move forward, advance L32 differ from  L33 involve  - to include sb/sth in an activity: The accident ~d ten cars: ~ in sth  - to make someone interested in taking part in something: -> involvement 
L33 critical thinking  - the process of thinking carefully about a subject or idea, without allowing feelings or opinions to affect you; disciplined thinking, clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence: develop ones ~.
L35 inferred<-infer  L38 an overload of messages  L40 new born  L47 genes, the carriers of inherited traits, play a role in autism.  L53 with the odds of …<-Corpus/p.119 
L54 predominate by a ratio of 4 to 1  -> Corpus/p.127  more noticeable or important, or larger in number, than others; most important, ruling, dominant - more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type: superior, controlling, prevailing: ~ personality, ~ military power, ~ party in congress  
While dominant is more used in influence, predominant means 'more frequent' or 'more common'.
L55 run in families ; go on, extend, continue, range  L56 heredity [həˈred·ɪ·t̬i] transmission of traits from parents to offspring; inheritance, genetic  L61 look into  to examine the facts about a problem or situation; check, research    L64 consistent link to  - always happening or behaving in a similar way; steady, constant, regular, dependable: ~ on a policy  - agreeing with something said or done previously; logical, comparable: The witness’s story is ~ with the police report. -> consistency 
[Treating, Applied Behavior] L68 medication L68 benefit (from); advance, enhance, improve: ~ from education
L69 relax -> Corpus/p.125 (vi), (vt)-> B.
L69 constrain -> Word Form/p.125  limit sb's freedom or the way sth develops or grows; force, restrain, limit -> D.
L70 participate -> Corpus/p.128 ; take part in, engage in, compete -> H.
L72 side effects  L76 break down  L79 therapist-therapy L79 reward (n) (v) - award  L80 session  a formal meeting of an organization; meeting, gathering, conference  L81 utter a sound  to say sth or make a sound with your voice: sat without uttering a word; say, speak, pronounce   L82 praised and rewarded 
L86 mature -> Corpus/p.126-> E.  
=> Read Par.8 Treating Autism => STT
Review Reading -> Identify the main idea of Subheading-Recent Increase, Spectrum, Looking for Causes, Treat/ABN, and Conclusion.
Read & Write Unit 7  Reading 2  Blog - In Praise of the Throwaway Society  #2
- Read with Q-Skill-
- Blog Review Writing your response in five to eight sentences.
- Words/Expressions: (par.1) material-materialistic (par.4) a significant part of their budget
- Vocabulary Skill: Phrasal Verbs - watch out, pick up, throw away, fall down, stop by, wore out, put on, fall apart


Senior 2-Apr.25th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-3  
BW-Voca in Use Unit 37-Unit 2  VIU-3
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> Read the Sentences aloud => STT=> Gmail
BW-Review Unit 37  Unit 2
- G&C-3/p.195
- GIU: What Ron should study  Read aloud Japan ~, China ~
BW-Practice Unit 38  Unit 2
- Parts of Speech/p.203
- Phrase, Clause, Sentence/p.204
Inside Reading Unit 3  Reading 2  Fighting Bacteria #4
- Read aloud: “The discovery of Bacteria” => Task Explain the main idea of the paragraph.
- Read aloud: “Pasteurization”=> Speak the main idea of the paragraph in one to three sentences.
- Read aloud: “Carbolic Acid”=> Speak the main idea of the paragraph in one to three sentences.
- Read aloud: “Penicilin”=> Speak the main idea of the paragraph in one to three sentences.
=>Blog Write a summary of the text in six to eight sentences.

Lesson Report Senior-1 April 24th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
It's April 25, 2019.
It's cloudy again! 
Did you like the clouded leopard yesterday? The animal looked very beautiful, didn't it?

Please review what you learned.
See you all on Saturday!

<Lesson Review>

Greeting  Date, weather
Warm up: two min. questions: => Do you have any homework to do during Golden Week holidays? (2 min. each)
ð  Report to a new partner in indirect speech (30 sec. each)

Speech:Live    Ayaka (Apr. 10) => Hiromitsu (Apr. 13)  => Kosei (Apr. 17) => Shuji (Apr. 20) => Video  Kaoru (Apr. 24) =>  Kengo (Apr. 27) => Natsumi (May 8) => Masahiro (May 11) => Keisuke (May 15) => Ami (May 18) => Akari (May 22) => Keito (May 25)

Eiken Pre 2nd Listening practice  2018-1

☆☆No. 17
Oh no! We missed our bus. The movie’s going to start in 15 minutes.
Well, there’s no subway station around here. Should we get a taxi?
No. If we hurry, we might be able to walk to the movie theater in time. It’s not that far.
You’re right. Taxis are expensive anyway. Let’s go.
☆☆Question: How will the couple go to the movie theater?
The couple has just missed the bus for the movie theater. They decided to walk there because there is no public transportation around and taxi costs a lot.
Answer the question. => Listen again. => Tell the partner what they heard in two sentences. => Repeating => Shadowing
☆☆No. 27
The clouded leopard is an animal that lives in many places in Asia. Its fur has large, dark spots that are a similar color to plants and leaves, and this helps it hide in the forest. The clouded leopard is also good at climbing trees. It hides in trees to rest during the day, and it comes down to hunt other animals at night.
☆☆Question: What is one thing that we learn about the clouded leopard?
The clouded leopard that lives in many places in Asia has large, dark spots on its fur. They can hide in the forest during the day and hunt other animals at night.
Answer the question. => Listen again. => Tell the partner what they heard in two sentences. => Repeating => Dictation

Chapter 35 Unit 2 (p. 158)
Vocabulary in Use
#2 調査や証拠などに関することば (2)
Practice pronunciation of the listed words
ð  Memorize the words in one min. => Quiz in pairs.
ð  Practice reading aloud the sentences.

Chapter 35 Unit 2 (p. 155-156)
#2  Read and complete the first two paragraphs. => Check the answers and practice reading it aloud.

Cover to Cover  Unit 1 Marriage
Part 1  Vocabulary test
Part 2  The Couple That Loves Weddings
Before Reading: Discuss the questions in pairs.
Fluency Strategy: Scanning
  Read the strategy aloud. => Do A
Checking Fluency and Comprehension
  Read the text and answer the questions without looking back at the text and keep the time and score on page 169.