
Senior 2-Oct.31st

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2  
Speak to Learn Unit 31  Unit 1
- G&C-1.1 => Pair What language is spoken in ~? => I think ~ is … / I don’t know what … Please let me know what
- G&C-1.3-> made of/from/with
=> Pair What is ~ made from/of/with? => I think ~ is … / I don’t know what … Please let me know what …
[A modern miracle drug]   L48 taxol  L51 unnatural cell growth of cancer  L52 taxol was being used in intensive treatment for …
[Rainforests]   L54 testing them for possible medical use  L55 access to=> Corpus/p.31=> D.  L56 rapidly disappearing <-rapid  L57 logging companies <-log  L58 commercial developers  L59 the priorities of ~ conflict with …
- Read aloud [Searching the Rainforests] => STT
[Will cure be lost]   L63 rainforests are being destroyed
[The search is on]   L73 promising anti-cancer drugs  -showing signs of future success or achievement; hopeful, encouraging: a ~ career   L75 accompanied by=> A/p.30    L75 cooperatively-> cooperate; aid, assist, collaborate, help -> Thank you for your cooperation. => Corpus/p.32  
L80 chemically identical Dic exactly the same, or very similar: The test is identical to the one you took last year. I've got three identical blue suits. The two rooms were virtually identical.
- Vocabulary Activity B/p.30 Review the words learned in Reading 1 and 2. => STT
Read & Write Unit 2  Reading 1    #2
- Listen and Read Par.1~2 -> Study [Par.1] affect (v)-effect (n), unaware of<- aware of, emotion-emotional, [Par.2] universal  done by or involving all; worldwide, global, ubiquitous, common, broad: ~ problem, the problem is ~,  true or right at all times/all places: ~ fact
  represent act/speak for sb; ~ sth/sb, be example of; ~ sth, ~ the views, be equal to; ~ 20% of sth -> representation-representative,  - to express or designate by some term, character, symbol; show, describe, suggest
- Listen and Read Par.3~4 -> Study [Par.3] heal an illness  [Par.4] royalty for
- Listen and Read Par.5~6 -> Study [Par.5] vary from  specific (Par.5) precise; ~ instructions, to be ~, particular; ~ purpose, a ~ age group
=>Blog What do you think-2: What are some examples of colors with special meanings in your culture?
=> Write 5-8 sentences in response. Make sure to clarify your response (opinion) and explain with example(s).
Interest Blog Henley Index: Japan’s passport most powerful

              => Where or which country do you want to visit for your first trip by yourself? Why?


Senior 1-Oct.29th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2

BW-Voca in Use Unit 31-Unit 1  VIU-1
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> Read the Sentences aloud. => STT

BW-Review Unit 31  Unit 1
- G&C-1.1, 2-> Ex.1.1a
=> Pair What language is spoken in ~? => I think ~ is … / I don’t know what … Please let me know what …
- G&C-1.3-> Ex.1.2 => STT
=> Pair What is ~ made from? => I think ~ is … / I don’t know what … Please let me know what …

BW-Practice Unit 30  Unit 2
- G&C-2-> Ex.2.2 => Blog Speak the answers=> Write the answers
1. The Harry Potter books were written by J.K. Rowling. 2. The Harry Potter books were read by many people in the world. 3. The Kamakura shogunate was founded by Yoritomo in 1192. 4. The bank was broken into by a burglar last night. 5. All the money in the safe was stolen by the burglar. 6. A picture of the burglar was taken by the security camera. 7. The burglar was arrested by the police (the) next day.

Cover to Cover Unit 9  Part 2 Happy People #1
- Fluency Strategy: Skimming=> Task-A: Main Idea
- Read => Checking Fluency and Comprehensions
- Read with CD -> Check Answers

Interest  Dancing Robot


Senior 1-Oct.25th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2   
BW-Voca in Use Unit 31-Unit 1  VIU-1
BW-Review Unit 30  Unit 2
- Did you know?/p.79 Equations  Practice speaking equations => Pair J->Eng
BW-Practice Unit 31  Unit 1
- G&C-1.1, 2-> Ex.1.1a
=> Pair What language is spoken in ~? => I think ~ is … / I don’t know what … Please let me know what …
- G&C-1.3-> Ex.1.2 => STT
=> Pair What is ~ made from? => I think ~ is … / I don’t know what … Please let me know what 
Cover to Cover Unit 9  Part 1  Understanding Ourselves  #3
- Read w/CD -> Read aloud Par.6 => STT
- Vocabulary: active-passive, outgoing, rebel-rebellious, reserved, depend on-dependable, structure, gene, inherit, influence on, surroundings, nurture
=> Blog Speak the personality of your friend/family member in five sentences.
   Refer to Par.2-4, Adjectives to describe personality/p.114. Use two adjectives and example(s).
2. He is adj-1 (when~).    3. Explain/Example.
4. Also/However, he is adj-2 (when~).  5. Explain/Example.
   => Write the personality of your friend/family member in five sentences. 


Senior 2-Oct.24th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2 
Speak to Learn Unit 30  Unit 2  Key Communication
- KC  Blog Write the answers
Inside Reading Unit 2 Reading 2  Searching for New Medicines #3
- Review Blog the Main Ideas of the article in three sentences.
Subject is the topic of the sentence=> Try the Passive Voice to put the topic as the subject.
( => Correct S/Pl errors and Revise the suggested points. )
     1. Par.1/10: Rainforests are believed to be sources to create new medicines, but they are disappearing quickly.
2. Par.2-5: Effective medicines, such as aspirin and taxol, have long been produced from trees in different parts of the world.  3. Par.6-9: Pharmaceutical companies and scientists are trying to search sources of new drags in rainforests and the people live there before they disappear.
- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions
[Intro]   L6 cure diseases to make someone with an illness healthy again; heal, correct, mend, remedy: Doctors couldn't cure TB/cure people of TB.  - to solve a problem: cure inflation
[Finding a cure]   L14 occur – occurrence [əˈkɜəns]-> Corpus/p.31 => E.
L16 healer <- heal; cure, recover, mend, improve, rehabilitate  L18 bark  the hard, outer covering of a tree – (v) The dog barked aloud.  L18 cinchona [sɪŋˈkoʊnə
L23 implement [ˈɪm·pləˌment] (n); tool (v); start, carry out, put into action, achieve -> implementation -> Corpus/p.32  L24 ingredient one of the parts in a mixture: Combine all the ~s for the stew.  L25 quinine [ˈkwɪn.iːn ] is an alkaloid derived from the bark of the cinchona tree.  L25 commercially produced <- commercial<- commerce
L28 decline-> Corpus/p.30 - to gradually become less, worse, or lower; lessen or weaken  - to refuse something => C. 
L27~28: By the 1960s, however, ~ had declined because the parasite was becoming resistant to it. <- resist
[A new medicine]   L32 wormwood  L33 contain Dic to have something inside or include something as a part; include, hold, have, involve: How much liquid does this bottle ~? I lost a file containing a lot of important information.  L34 artemisinin  is a drug derived from the Asian plant Artemisia annua. This aromatic plant has fern-like leaves and yellow flowers. It has been long used to treat fevers. It's also an effective treatment for malaria.
[Aspirin]   L39 willow   L40 remedy -> remedial  L41 salicylic acid  サリチル酸 used to produce aspirin.
L42 ease pain  L38 aspirin tablet
=> The History of Aspirin STT
Read & Write Unit 2  Reading 1  How Colors Make Us Think and Feel  #1
- Vocabulary: psychological<-psychology->psychologist, specific-specifically-specifics<-> universal,
  represent-representative, be aware/unaware of,
- Preview the article by looking at the subtitles, photos and captions
- Read   -> Underline MI and key words of each par.
-> Read w/Q-Skill Par.1-3=> Shadowing: Par.4-6
-> Review 1st and last par -> Understand how the topic is introduced and content is concluded.
=> Organize the article to three parts=> Speak the main idea in three sentences=> STT=> Blog
1. Colors affect people in various ways. 2. Colors have meanings, affect feelings and emotions, and represent cultures. 3. We can learn ourselves more by learning more about how colors affect us.
- Reading Skill/p.29: Getting meaning from context-> Ex-A


Senior 1-Oct.22nd

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2 
BW-Voca in Use Unit 30-Unit 2  VIU-2
BW-Review Unit 30  Unit 2
- KC  Blog Write the answers
BW-Practice Unit 30  Unit 2
- Blog Write six sentences about your daily life(1~6), and two more sentences about what you think and don’t think it is ~ to … (7~8).
- Did you know?/p.79 Equations  Practice speaking equations => Pair J->Eng

Cover to Cover Unit 9  Part 1  Understanding Ourselves #2
- Read with CD -> Looking at Vocabulary-A.-> B.
-> Read aloud: Pr-5~9
Mark the first word(s) of each paragraph to understand the structure of the text.
1. Fei, Meilan and Lihua Lin are sisters     2. Fei                   3. Meilan                            4. Lihua
5. What makes their …   6. Most scientists agree …  7. There are many other … 8. Other People 
9. Fei, Meilan, and Lihua …
=>WS Task-1 Paragraph-5 “theories about where personality and behavior come from”

Interest  Blog Henley Index: Japan’s passport most powerful


Senior 2-Oct.20th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2  
Speak to Learn Unit 30  Unit 2  Verbs of Sensitivity  #1
- WS BW3-C30-U2 G&C-3/p.75 => Blog
1. I heard Ron call my name. When I turned back, I saw him walking toward(s) me.
2. Whenever I see him smiling, I feel my heart beating faster.
3. I saw Fred walk into the gym yesterday. When I entered there, I heard him talking to Ron.
- Read aloud Par.1 (Intro) => STT => Understand the MI of the journal article
- Read by paragraph
-> Reading Skill: Apply 2-7 
              -> Divide the article into three sections.
              =>Blog Write the Main Ideas of the article in three sentences.
              1. Par.1/10: Rainforests are believed to be sources to create new medicines, but they are disappearing quickly.
2. Par.2-5: Effective medicines, such as aspirin and taxol, have long been produced from trees in different parts of the world.
3. Par.6-9: Pharmaceutical companies and scientists are trying to search sources of new drags in rainforests and the people live there before they disappear.
Read & Write Unit 2  Reading 1  How Colors Make Us Think and Feel #1
- Blog Review Writing What colors do you like to wear?  Write your response in four to six sentences. => Revise
- Vocabulary: psychological<-psychology->psychologist, specific-specifically-specifics<-> universal,
              represent-representative, be aware/unaware of,
- Preview the article by looking at the subtitles, photos and captions


Senior 1-Oct.18th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2

BW-Voca in Use Unit 30-Unit 2  VIU-1, 2
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> Read the Sentences aloud. => STT

BW-Review Unit 30  Unit 2
- G&C-3- > Pair Read=> Repeat w/gesture: Verbs of Senses, Verbs of Actions
              => Blog Speak in English.
1. I heard Ron call my name. When I turned back, I saw him walking toward(s) me.
2. Whenever I see him smiling, I feel my heart beating faster.
3. I saw Fred walk into the gym yesterday. When I entered there, I heard him talking to Ron.

BW-Practice Unit 30  Unit 2
- GIU  Listen TTS Par.1~3 -> Read aloud => Read Par.1 STT
              Listen TTS Par.4~7 -> Read aloud => Read Par.6-7 STT
- KC  Speak the answers -> Pair Read the Japanese=> Speak in English

Cover to Cover Unit 9  Part 1  Understanding Ourselves
- Before Reading: Pronunciation-> rebellious, active, reserved, dependable
- Comprehension Strategy: Recognizing Reference Words - it, them, this, that, etc.
- Read => Task-A => Checking Comprehension
- Read with CD -> Check pronunciation. Mark the words that describe personality.
              -> Check the Answers

              -> Predict the meaning of; the words that describe personality => Dic


Senior 2-Oct.17th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2
Speak to Learn Unit 30  Unit 2  It is ~ of you to …  #2
- WS BW3-C30-U2 G&C-2/p.74
- Pair Here is ~ for your birthday. => Oh, thank you so much. It’s so kind of you to give me such …
- Pair Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ~? => Sure. Go … => Thank you. It’s kind of you to …
- Pair Don’t you think it’s impolite to … (when …)? => Yes/No, I (don’t) think it’s impolite to … People …
Inside Reading Unit 2 Reading 2  Searching for New Medicines #1
- Reading Skill: Finding the Main Idea
-> Apply 1. Title, subheadings, images, captions, and 1st Par
cinchona [sɪŋˈkoʊnə] is a medicinal plant, one of several Cinchona species used for the production of quinine, which is an anti-fever agent. It is especially useful in the prevention and treatment of malaria.
=> Blog Write MI of the article in 1 sen.
To cure existent and new diseases, medical scientists are trying to find new medicine from rainforests across the world.
- Reading Comprehension: Underline/Mark the key words to look for.
-> Read  T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.=> Pair Check the Answers
Read & Write Unit 1  Writing #3
- Review Writing Blog Describe a trend such as in cars, food, clothes, music, movies, sports, games, social network, mobile device, apps, SNS, or tools that interests you.Then explain why it’s (getting or going to be) popular in 5-8 sen.  => Revise
Unit 2  Color  Preview the Unit  #1
- A: Listen to the Q-classroom=> Discuss the questions
- C: Look at the pictures and read the captions
=> Pair Speak your answer in three to five sentences: What color do you like to wear?
- Read Blog Men, Women, and Color/Q-Skills to learn words and expressions to talk about color preference
What colors do you like to wear?  Write your response in four to six sentences.
TS  I like to wear blue.
=> SS-1 It is a perfect color for casual clothes like blue jeans.
=> D-1They are convenient because they go well with almost any color.
=> SS-2 Blue also makes people look cool and sharp.
=> D-2When I see someone wearing a blue uniform, I often feel I want to wear it, too.
CS Blue is the best color for clothes. <= Optional