
Senior 2-Sep.29th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-3 

Speak to Learn C29 Present Perfect-Past Tense
- Pair Speak 5 sen about food that you really enjoyed. 1.Have you ~?  2. I ate it when …
Explain the food experience lively and excitedly in the past tense. Conclude in the Present tense
=> Q&A for a minute=> Blog Report the event/incident you heard in 3~4 sentences

- Read aloud-> Voca-A to review words => Sect.    STT
Blog Glenn Curtiss,
-> Corpus/p.13  analogy a comparison between things that have similar features: an ~ between A and B.

Read & Write Unit 1  Reading 2: A Song Becomes a Hit #1
- Vocabulary Skill: Word Families Verb-Noun -> A-> B-> C
Examples of same verb-noun: phone, call, visit, produce, view, ride, clash, sleep, bite, smell, sound, witness
- Q-classroom Read w/Audio: Par.1=> Shadowing Par.2,3,4-> Read w/Audio: Par.5-8
- Words/Expressions - make up (V-Phrase) - (of parts) to constitute; compose; form; create.  - to put together; construct; compile  - to concoct; invent.  - ~ for. to compensate for; make good.  (n) facial cosmetics,  composition
=> What do you think -A.2  According to the article, people tend to choose the songs that seem popular.
Do you think it’s true that people choose to listen to the same music, watch the same movies or read the same books as their peers? Speak your answer in 60 sec.
=> Blog Write your answer in five to eight sentences.


Senior 1-Sep.27th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-3

BW-Voca in Use Unit 29-Unit 2  VIU-1, 2
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> Read the Sentences aloud. => Read VIU-1 STT

BW-Review Unit 30  Unit 1
- G&C-1 -> Pair Ex-1.2
=> Pair Speak what your teacher told you to do/not to do when/day=> Repeat
=> Pair Speak what you aske sb to do when/day=> Repeat

BW-Practice Unit 30  Unit 1
- G&C-3- > Ex-3.1-> Ex-3.2 Pair
=> Pair Speak what your parents said to you, you said to him/her=> Repeat
=> Pair Speak what you said to your friend, your friend said to you=> Repeat
=> Report STT what you heard from the partner: ~ said his/her …=> Correct => Gmail

Cover to Cover Unit 8  Part 1 The thin line between beauty and health
- U7P2 Review Writing Blog Write to explain how the two animals got close to each other in 6-8s/100w.
Before Reading: Show the changes of beauty in times; Monroe to Moss, Sayuri to ?
              What’s BMI: Body Mass Index -> Compare the standard between American and Japanese
Comprehension Strategy: Recognizing Points of View
Read=> Task-A => Checking Comprehension
Read with CD -> Read aloud Pr-3-5=> Check the answers

Interest Interview #2

Blog Ask the partner about the favorite food for 3 min. The partner should answer in 2 sen.. => Report in 3~5 sen. (1st interviewer can use the memo)


Senior 2-Sep.26th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-3

Speak to Learn C29 Present Perfect-Past Tense
- Pair Speak 5 sen about food that you really enjoyed. 1.Have you ~?  2. I ate it when …
Explain the food experience lively and excitedly in the past tense. Conclude in the Present tense
=> Q&A for a minute=> Blog Write about the event/incident in 3~4 sentences
( - Blog Review the Main Ideas of the article in three sentences. )
1. What: Segways are personal transportation vehicle made with a platform, a post and two rubber wheels.
2. How-Segway-Bicycle: Unlike bicycles, Segways have no pedals or breaks but use a computer system to move in response to the rider’s movement.
While bicycles can go as fast and far as the rider pedals, the speed and distance Segways can travel is limited to the battery capacity.
3. How/Why not Used: Though Segways can take place for walking in some areas like delivering or patrolling, they are neither as popular nor practical as bicycles.
- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions   
[Intro]   L1 individual   L8 compare to/with [vi] to be similar to sb/sth else: This house doesn’t ~ to the previous one (not as good).
[What is a Segway? ]L11 platform, L13 framework-> Corpus/p.14-> D.   L13 post  L14 attached  L15 rubber  L20 steering mechanism; steering wheel
[How a Segway moves]  L23 leans the body  L23 slightly forward, ~ backward  L29 respond to->response
[How a bicycle moves]  L30 in contrast   an obvious difference between two or more things: She is quite petite, in contrast with her tall sister.   L33 alter-> Corpus/p.14  to change a characteristic, often slightly, or to cause this to happen: The coat was too long, so I took it back to the store to have it altered.   L35 subsequently; afterward, after, finally    L39 Tour de France  is an annual men's 21-stage bicycle race primarily held in France over a little more than three weeks.  L40 miles per hour-> mph  L44 one battery charge  L45 no faster than   L49 pay a fee    [Chart] range
[How segways are used]   L54 individuals-> Corpus/p.15-> F.  Replace the word(s)   L58 pharmacies-pharmacy  L58 substitute Segways for trucks
[Why segways are not used more]        Read aloud=> STT
L65 one reason->another-> a primary reason  L69 passed laws   L68 meanwhile; at the same time, meantime, till  L74 encourage people to …  L76 hardworking vehicles <= Why?

Read & Write Unit 1  Reading 2: A Song Becomes a Hit #2
- Read the text=> Write Main Idea in 3 sen, including why (= Salganik’s thoughts) => Post A/K
              A recent online research found that people rated higher on the songs that seemed popular despite the quality.
According to a researcher of the study, people seem to want to know what others like and naturally choose to listen to the songs others listen do because there are too many songs to choose from.
As more people share what they like or think freely online, such information is becoming more influential on our decisions. 

Interest Typhoons vs. hurricane (1:00)


Senior 1-Sep.24th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-3 

BW-Voca in Use Unit 29-Unit 2  VIU-2
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> TTS Practice Reading -> Read the Sentences aloud.

BW-Review U nit 28  Unit 2
- Review Blog what you want to try -ing/thing when you go to college, inc have never in 5~8 sen.

BW-Practice Unit 30  Unit 1
- G&C-1- > Pair Ex-1.2=> STT
=> Pair Speak what your parents tell you to do, not to do=> Repeat
=> Pair Speak what you want your HR/any teacher wants, don’t want to do=> Repeat
=> Report STT what you heard from the partner: ~ said his/her …=> Correct => Gmail

Cover to Cover Unit 7  Part 2: An unlikely friendship
- Review Reading w/CD => Read aloud Par.3,4 STT
=>Blog Write to explain how the two animals got close to each other in six to eight sentences/100 words.
The hippo was still a baby when he was taken to the wildlife park. Since/As he suddenly had become separated from his family by the tsunami, he needed someone of his size to live with. That’s why when he saw the giant 130-year-old tortoise, he immediately stuck close to it all the time. Although Mzee, a giant 130-year-old tortoise, didn’t want the hippo around it at first, it began to feel parental instinct and allowed him to stay with it. (80 words)
=>Task-3 STT Explain what happened to the hippo in 90 sec.

Interest Interview #1
Blog Ask the partner about him/her for 3 min. The partner should answer in in 2 sen.

Report in 3~5 sen. (1st interviewer can use the memo)


Senior 2-Sep.22nd

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 
Speak to Learn C27 Past tense
- Pair/Group Speak 5 sen about an event/incident you enjoyed, encountered, or experienced.
Choose the subject of the sentences carefully. Avoid saying “I” repeatedly.
=> Q&A for a minute=> Blog Report the event/incident you heard in 3~4 sentences
Inside Reading Unit 1 Reading 2  Segway into the Future #2
- Read by Section: Question Words-> Identify MI => Speak the MI => STT
   => Blog Write the Main Ideas of the article in three sentences.
Read & Write Unit 1  Reading 2: A Song Becomes a Hit #1
- Vocabulary: make up (V-Phrase) - (of parts) to constitute; compose; form  - to put together; construct; compile.  make up for. to compensate for; make good.  - to apply cosmetics.  - Education. to take an examination that one had been unable to take when first given, usually because of absence.
 quality – character, nature, grade; value, condition: the quality of a sound. food of poor~  -a personality or character trait; character, nature: kindness is one of her many good qualities.
- Skim the Text: Par-1, 8, first sentences of the other pars. => Speak Main Idea in 1 sen.

- Read the text=> Speak Main Idea in 3 sen, including why (= Salganik’s thoughts) 


Senior 1-Sep.20th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-3 
BW-Voca in Use Unit 29-Unit 2  VIU-1
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> TTS Practice Reading -> Read the Sentences aloud.

BW-Review U nit 29  Unit 1
- G&C-2 => Pair I did ~ last week/when … Have you ~ ? => Q&A Answer in 2 sen in present/past
=> STT in 3 sen. 1. I did ~. 2. Partner has … 3. He/She …=> Gmail

BW-Practice Unit 29  Unit 2
- Key Communication => Speak => STT
- Writing: Pair Speak what you want to try -ing/thing when you go to college, inc have never in 2 min.
=> Q&A in 2 min.
=> Blog Write what you want to try -ing/thing when you go to college, including have never in 5~8 sen.

Cover to Cover Unit 7  Part 2: An unlikely friendship
- Review Reading w/CD=> Reading aloud Par.1-3=> Par.2 STT
=>WS Comm Task-1 (Pr-2) The next day ~ from his family日本語にしなさい <=文法や表現(過去分子)
- Expanding Vocabulary-> become separated, chase away, move sb in with~. probable-probably, frequent-frequently, eventual-eventually, name ~ after…, release


Senior 2-Sep.19th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 
Speak to Learn C27 Past tense
- Pair/Group Speak 5 sen about an event/incident you enjoyed, encountered, or experienced.
Choose the subject of the sentences carefully. Avoid saying “I” repeatedly.
=> Q&A for a minute=> Blog Write about the event/incident in 3~4 sentences
- Reading Skill: Preview the text: title, subheadings, images, captions-> Apply-3
- Reading Comprehension: Underline/Mark the key words to look for.
-> Read  T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.=> Pair Check the Answers
- How Segway Works (2:45<-4:05)
Read & Write Unit 1 Trend: Why does something become popular?
- Listen/Read Q-Skill => Words & Expressions
- Read aloud Par.3,4=> Read aloud Par.4 => STT
-> stay connected, allow people to do, share photos/interests, post a link/video, comment on
interactive <interact  to act on or in close relation with each other; communicate, connect-> interaction,
- Read aloud Par.5
-> contribute  to give (support, money) for a common purpose or fund, to supply (ideas, opinions) as part of a debate or discussion; give, devote, donate, provide grant - contribution  express-expression
=> What do you think?-2  #2 Blog Write your answer in four to six sentences
Do you think that social networking sites are a good way to communicate with friends?


Senior 1-Sep.17th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-3 
Interest puffins swim and fly (1:55, 0:18)

BW-Voca in Use Unit 29-Unit 1  VIU-1,2
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> Read the Sentences aloud. => Read VIU-2 STT

BW-Review U nit 28  Unit 2
- G&C-1: many/several/a few/number times, twice/once, never
=> Pair-1 Have you ever been to ~? => Q&A Answer in 2 sen in present/past => Report in 3 sen. STT

BW-Practice Unit 29  Unit 2
- G&C-2 > Pair Ex-2.2=> Pair Ex-2.3: I did ~ last week/when … Have you ~ ?
=> Q&A Answer in 2 sen in present/past
=> Blog Report the talk in 3 sen. 1. I did ~. 2. Partner has … 3. He/She …

Cover to Cover Unit 7  Part 2: An unlikely friendship
Before Reading: hippo/hippopotamus (河馬), tortoise-turtle rabbit-hare: First catch your hare then cook it.
Fluency Strategy: Predicting the topic => Task A/p.90
Listen => Checking Fluency and Comprehension/p.92 -> Read to Check

Interest Hurricane vs. Typhoon (<1:00)


Senior 2-Sep.15th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2017-1  
Speak to Learn C26, 27: Present and Past Tense: about yourself #4
- Pair/Group Speak 5 sen about yourself that you want the other to know, 2 in the past tense
=> Q&A for a minute=> STT Report/Speak about yourself in 3~4 sentences=> Blog

Inside Reading Unit 1  Reading-1  Riding through History #4     
-> Voca-A to review words
-> Interest    Video: Tour de France 2018 Teaser (1:22)               
[What] The Tour de France is a men’s bicycle race (that has been) held annually since 1903.
[Place] There are 21 stages in the race to ride about 3,500 kilometers around France over 23 days period, including the Alps and Pyrenees mountains.
[Competition] The timed race is competed by 20-22 teams, each has eight riders, in each segment and the total tour.

Read & Write Unit 1  Reading 1: The Popularity of Social Network #1
- Listen/Read Q-Skill=> Read aloud Par.3(, 4)=> STT
- Words/Expressions Read aloud Par.3,4-> stay connected, allow people to do, share photos/interests, post a link/video, comment on
interactive <interact  to act on or in close relation with each other; communicate, connect-> interaction,
- Read aloud Par.5-> contribute  to give (support, money) for a common purpose or fund, to supply (ideas, opinions) as part of a debate or discussion; give, devote, donate, provide grant - contribution  express-expression

=> What do you think?-2  #2 Blog Write your answer in four to six sentences


Senior 1-Sep.13th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-3 
BW-Voca in Use Unit 29-Unit 1  VIU-12
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> TTS Practice Reading -> Read the Sentences aloud.
BW-Review U nit 29  Unit 1
- G&C-3 => Pair Speak 1 affirmative and 1 negative sentence: did, didn’t, was, wasn’t => So/Neither did/was I.
=> Pair Speak 1 affirmative and 1 negative sentence: do, don’t, am, am not => So/Neither do/am I.
=> Pair Speak 1 affirmative and 1 negative sentence: can, can’t, will, won’t => So/Neither can/will I.
- Reporting => Speak => STT=> Type => Gmail
BW-Practice Unit 29  Unit 2
- G&C-1: many/several/a few/number times, twice/once, never -> Ex-1.2 Pair
=> Pair Speak I did ~ when… Have you ~ => Yes …-> I did it when …  No… but I’d like to/I’m not …
=> Pair Speak I did ~ when… Have you ~ => Yes …-> I did it when …  No…   Q&A => Report in 3 sen.
Cover to Cover Unit 7 Survivors  Part 1: Survival after eight days at sea
- Read with CD
- Looking at Vocabulary in Context: drift, mosque, struck, devastate-devastating, drown, destroy
-Vocabulary: drift, raging water, sweep-swept-swept, be about to, manage to, crack, current, devastate-devastating-devastated, drown
- What do you think?: Do you think you’re good at dealing with an emergency?
=> Pair Speak your answer in 3~4 sen.
Interest Blog Type your name your name-> others can write comment: Yoshi, Sayaka, Mao, Noi, Yui
Speak 5 sen about yourself that you want others to know, inc. 2 in the past tense

-> Listen => Type 3 sen from memory


Senior 2-Sep.12th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2017-1
Speak to Learn C26, 27: Present and Past Tense: about yourself #3
- Pair/Group Speak 5 sen about yourself that you want the other to know, 2 in the past tense

- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions
Early Bicycles   L12 velocipede [vɪˈlɒsɪpiːd]          L14. solid steel tube
Some Changes are Made         L23 hollow steel tube  L24. alteration-> Dic alter [ˈɔl·tər]  to change a characteristic, often slightly, or to cause this to happen: The coat was too long, so I took it back to the store to have it altered.
The High Wheeler  L28 Subsequent -> Vaca-F ; after, following, next  L34 Reasoned  L37 primary-> Corpus/p.6  
L42 inherent-> Corpus/p.6 ; basic, natural, fundamental, built-in  -> Vaca-C
A Safer Bicycle  L44 Manufacturer  L45 Substituted-> Corpus/p.8 : there's no substitute for visiting them yourself.
L52. minimize-> Voca-B <-> maximize  L52. inherent
                   => Explain the mechanism (L49~51)
The Modern Bicycle in Born  L57 subsequent   L60 revolutionized -> Corpus/p.7
=> Interest       Video: Best of - Onboard camera - Tour de France 2018  (2:32)
Read & Write Unit 1 Trend: Why does something become popular?
- Listen/Read Q-Skill=> Read aloud Par.2=> STT
-> > Check the MIs => Pair
=> Blog Write the Main Ideas of the article in 3 sentences.
        Par.1, 2: Social networking sites have been becoming popular anywhere in the world.
        Par.3, 4, 5: People can communicate and interact with each other, and also express their thoughts online.

       Par.6: More people of any age are expected to enjoy communicating and being connected via social networks