
Senior 2-Feb.25th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-3
BW-Voca in Use Unit 35-Unit 1  VIU-1
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> TTS Practice Reading -> Read the Sentences => Blog TTS Dictation
BW-Review Chapter 34  Unit 2
BW-Practice Unit 35  Unit 1
- G&C-1-> Ex-1.2=> STT
Inside Reading Unit 1  Reading 2  Brain Mapping Today   #3
- Read Par.5 (L45-58) Mark the key words that explain what scientists did: First, Then, Finally
=> Speak a summary in two sentences.
Scientists tried to learn what the average human brain looks like by using MRI and fMRI. They scanned ~, Computers analyzed ~ and averaged …
- Read Par.6 (L59-64) => Mark the key words that explain what one map shows: One, Other, For example
- Read Par.7, 8 (L65-72) => can, can, also help doctors …
- Study Words & Expressions
L56 measurement-measure  L57 averaged; calculate, compute, survey, weigh  L68 operate-operation ->operative procedure; surgery  L65  examine; analyze, test, check, inspect, study
- Read aloud: Par.5 => STT 

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