
Advancing 1-Feb.6th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2015-2  
Interest          New Caledonia-Location  Images   New Caledonia (3:00) 

Speak to Learn Unit 34  Unit 1   G&C-2: who/that
- Pair I have a friend (who) I’ve known since/for … He/She … => Repeat
- Pair Is there any place you want to visit? -> Sure. The place I want to visit is …
=> What do you want to do if you have a chance to get there? -> I want to try…

Inside Reading-1 Unit 6  Reading 1 Solving Crimes with Science: A True Story #2
- Reading Skill -> B.
           -> Read Par.1~6. Mark time words and underline the subject to figure out the order of the events->A.
-> Segment the article into four sections by the event and the time.
 => Retell the incident in the present tense in six to eight sentences.
 => Blog Write to retell the incident in the present tense in six sentences. Use time words effectively.
=> Retell the incident in the present tense in six sentences.

Read & Write Unit 5 Reading 1   #1
- Preview Q-Classroom=> Discuss the questions:
=> B Discuss the Unit Questions=> What makes a family business successful?
- C: Match the letter
- D-3.: Discuss Do you know anyone who puts his or her work before family? How does it affect them?

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