

STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak  - Blog 都道府県別人口推計 
Tokyo is very crowded, and houses are very expensive. But the populations of Tokyo and the surrounding prefectures are increasing while the ones of other prefectures are decreasing.
Why do more people move to Tokyo area? Speak your answer in 4-6 sen.
Inside Reading-2 Unit 6  Reading-1  Fat for Brains #1
Before you Read: Pair 1. Name a couple of unhealthful foods that you eat often. Why do you like them? 2. Name a couple of healthful foods that you eat often. Do you like the taste?
Excerpt from a nutrition manual explains the psychological benefits of certain fats.
 Dic acid  a liquid chemical compound that contains hydrogen with pH under 7. ~ rain, test -> acidic (adj)<-> alkaline [ælkəlaɪn/lɪn]
- Preview: Check the title, headings, photos/captions-> Predict the topic
=> Skim the text           => Write the topic of the text in one sentence:
              The balance of the type of fat affects physical and brain performance as well as emotion.
- Read-1 Underline the topic sentences/main ideas
              => Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.
Open Forum-1 Unit 5  Listening 1 Interview with an anthropologist   #2
- Blog Listen w/Script-> Vocabulary: human origins, genetics, biological variation, area of specialty, vary-variable-variation, introduce-introductory, sub-category, broaden and expand, fascinating field
- Vocabulary/p.37-38
- ist: person, member - anthropologist, artist, pianist, dentist, psychologist, chemist, socialist, egoist 
- ian: specialist - mathematician, politician, musician, magician, physician, historian, librarian,
- al: official, professional,
- or: thing, person - actor, mayor, governor, conductor, escalator, elevator
- er: think, person - employer, announcer, manager, speaker, builder, villager, cooker, cooler/heater

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