

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1 
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak   - Blog Speak why you want to learn English in 4-6 sentences.
Inside Reading-2 Unit 5  Reading 2  Weather, Climate, or Both? #2
- Study Words/Expressions/Sentences #1
[P1-L16] phenomenon-phenomena(pl) fact/event in nature or society; cultural/.natural/social ~  [P2-L21] shiver  to shake or tremble, as from cold or fear; tremble, shake ->shivery(adj)  [L24] post ~ on record: to announce sth officially  [P3-L32] conclusions were withdrawn; extract, pull out   [P3-L40] faulty- Dic fault (n)  a mistake or error; It’s my ~ that …,  an imperfection; failure, defect, flaw; a fault in the brakes; a fault in one's character 
[P4-L46] exhibit present, demonstrate, show, display, express ->exhibition, exhibitor  - exhibit-> Corpus/p.79
[L49] coherent tale  understandable, reasoned, rational,  logical ->Corpus/p.78 ; understandable, reasoned, rational, logical  be/seem/become ~, ~ remark  <-> incoherent
                 -> coherence; logical/ideological/theoretical ~.  have/possess/achieve/create/keep/maintain ~, ~ between, ~ in
- Practice reading numbers: Read aloud Par. 1 -> Read aloud Par. 2 => STT
- Read aloud Par. 3
Read & Write-2 Unit 10 Reading 1: Flu FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) #2
- Reading Skill: Synthesizing Information      synthesize: combine, incorporate –> synthesis-syntheses (pl)
              => B.1 Speak Read the paragraph and answer the question.
- Vocabulary/Expressions  (par.1) a virus that passes  (par.2) fatigue extreme tiredness: She was suffering from ~.   exposure to virus  (par.3) respiratory [rɛspərətɔri]  runny or stuffy nose       (par.4) immunity – immune to sth, ~ from prosecution  (par.6) infect-> infection-infectious  (par.7) result in sth  to have a particular effect/result, to make sth happen: The accident ~ed in 24 deaths.  (par.8) vaccine [væksin] vaccinate-vaccination                        
=> What do you think-2. Some people worry a lot about catching the flu from others, and some people are not very concerned. How concerned are you, on a scale from 1, not concerned at all, and 10, (on a scale of one to ten) extremely concerned? Speak your answer in 90 seconds.
=> Blog Write your answer in 4-6 sentences

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