

STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak 
Inside Reading-2 Unit 3  Reading 2 ID Fraud   #2
L68 agent  a person who represents an org/group; officer, representative - agency organization, company, bureau  L69 raid (v) sudden surprise attack, assault: The police ~d the house  (n) a police/air ~ 
L78pass on (to sb) (to give wth to sb else) ~ the book on to me when you’ve finished with it. I’ll ~ yr message on to sb. L86 stage to plan/organize/carry out an activity; arrange, orchestrate, organize:~ a strike/show L87 life/casualty insurance policy   L113 stay/keep/get ahead of  ahead or on target with one's work schedule or responsibilities 
L126 analyze - C./p.46 – analysis (pl: analyses [si:z] ); make an ~ of sth
[P8-L127] Dic valid  having some foundation; based on truth: ~ evidence  - legally acceptable, effective: a valid license/passport  - validity  -validation
Read aloud Par.8 => STT
- Vocabulary Activity A/p.45
-> B. Mark Signal words-> Put the paragraphs in order by chunk: a, d-g-b, e-f
-> Find where h and c should be placed=> a, d-g-b-> e- h-f-> c => Pair=> Study the order/flow
=> Tablet Look up Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) was an American novelist, short story writer, essayist and philosopher whose published works mainly belong to the genre of science fiction. Dick explored philosophical, sociological, political and metaphysical themes in novels dominated by monopolistic corporations, authoritarian governments, and altered states of consciousness. Eleven popular films based on his works have been produced, including Blade Runner, Total Recall, A Scanner Darkly, Minority Report, Paycheck, Next, Screamers, The Adjustment Bureau and Impostor.
Read & Write-2 Unit 9  Reading 2  Problems with Math, a personal essay #1
- Vocabulary/p.171: be flattered (=honored) You’re trying to flatter me, Don’t flatter yourself (think you can do)
- Skimming: Title, captions, 1st Par, 1st sen-> Check MI, D/p.175 and underline the points to look at.
- Read-1-> Mark the words to describe Time/When, Underline the Topic=> Main Ideas, Details
- Vocabulary Skill: Numbers and mathematical terms-> [A]
             => Pair-1  Ask four math problems with one or two digits
              => Pair-2  - How old were you in (year)?  How old were you when …?
                 - How old will you be in (year)?  How old will you be when …?
                 - How much money do you use yourself a moth?  What’s the breakdown of your spending?
                 - Compare the populations of these countries using times or fractions.
Taiwan: 23mil. Korea: 50mil, UK: 63mil, Germany: 83mil, Japan, 126mil,
Brazil: 200mil, Indonesia: 250mil, US 320mil, India/China: 1,300mil.
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