
Senior 2-Sep.30th

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1 
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak 
Inside Reading Unit 8  Reading 8   #2
- Words & Phrases #2
L35 circumstance -> Corpus/p.117-> A./p.118
L47 initial (L47) Corpus/p.120 Dic (adj) beginning, primary, original, first: on the ~ try, ~ payment, ~ stages, ~ reaction/impression (n) JFK are the ~s of John Fitzgerald Kennedy  -> initiative take/use the ~, on ones ~ -> E.
L48 commit-committed  - to promise to give yourself, your money, your time to support sth; deliver, promise   - to do something illegal or considered wrong; act, carry out: ~ a crime/suicide   
L48 issue -> Corpus/p.119-> C.
L62 evidence (L62) Corpus/p.121– evident  -> F.
Read & Write Unit 5  Reading 1 Vacation from Work: Employee Vacation Policy/Toy’s Inc.  #4
- Review Writing: Blog Which option do you prefer, to choose your vacation days or to take a vacation when the factory is closed? Write your answer in three to five sentences
- Read w/ Q-Skills
- Reading Skills-> A/p.86: vacation days + holidays => Total days off -> take a day off
-> B/p.87: response(s) Dic respond

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