
Senior 2-Apr.4th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-3  
BW-Voca in Use Unit 36-Unit 2  VIU-2
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> Read the Sentences aloud => STT=> Gmail
BW-Review Unit 36  Unit 2
BW-Practice Unit 36  Unit 2
- Blog Write about what you are planning or going to do in this new school year and why in 4-6 sentences.
Inside Reading Unit 3  Reading 1 Harmful and Helpful Bacteria #2
- Read Intro and Par.1
[L2] look through a microscope  [L3] react  to act in response to an agent or influence; respond, act, answer: the audience reacted to the speech - reaction  
[L6] proceed -> Corpus/p.39 -> E.
[L13] filled with bacteria  
[L14] harm -> Corpus/p.39  [hɑrm] (v) to do or cause harm to; injure; damage; hurt: ~ sb, ~one's reputation/environment  (n) physical injury or mental damage; hurt: cause sb any/no ~, do serious ~ to sb/sth -> harmful (L23) to the environment  -> D.
[L16] exist to have actual being; be: The world ~s, whether you like it or not.  -to continue to be or live: Belief in magic still~s. Hunger ~s in the world. -existence 
[L17] environment -> Corpus/p.38  conditions that affect the behavior, the physical conditions: a good learning ~ [the ~ ] the natural world in which people, animals and plants live: protect the ~, damage to the ~ -> C.
[L22] effect on  - sth produced by a cause or agent; result, reaction, outcome  - power or ability to influence or produce a result; influence, power, effectiveness: with no effect  [L23] harmful <-> harmless  
- Read Problems with Bacteria, Benefits of Bacteria
[L25] germs [dʒɜrm] a microorganism, especially when disease-producing; microbe.  [L25] cause  (n) a person, thing, event, state, or action that produces an effect : What was the ~ of the accident?  (v) to be the cause of; bring about. [L26] cholera [ˈkɒl ər ə]   tuberculosis [tʊˌbɜr kyəˈloʊ sɪs]  [L28] infect to affect or contaminate a person, organ, wound, with disease-producing germs. -> infection  infectious disease   [L28] digestive system <- digest [dɪ/daiˈdʒɛst] - to subject (food) to a process of digestion; absorb, assimilate  - to assimilate mentally : ~ a pamphlet on nuclear waste.  [L28] suffer 
transfer (L29) -> Corpus/p.37-> A.         
[L30] lungs [L31] sneeze 
[L32] proceed> Corpus/p.39-> E.
[L35] prevent-> Corpus/p.38 prevent  to keep from occurring; avoid, block, stop: He intervened to ~ bloodshed.  -to stop from doing something: There is nothing to ~ us from going. -> B.    
[L36] for instance  [L41] vitamin  [L45] break down 
-> Read L44~L55 => Explain
-> Read aloud Par.2=> STT

Interest Angkor Wat

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