
Advancing 1-Apr.24th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-3 
Speak to Learn Chapter 37  Unit 2
- G&C-3/p.195-> Ex-3.2 => Speak
Inside Reading-1 Unit 8  Reading 2 Looking for Answers  #3
- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions
[Par.1~3] L1 neurological [ˌnʊr.əˈlɑː.dʒɪ.kəl] relating to nerves: ~ disease/damage/disorder -> neurology, neurologist <- neuron  a type of cell that sends and receives messages within the brain and the nerves of the body
L2 impaired <-impair - to damage or weaken something so that it is less effective: Lack of sleep ~ed her ability to think clearly. She is visually ~ed.  L3 repetitive behaviors  -> repetition; repeat : prevent/avoid a ~ of …
L6 ratio -> G./p.127 => Blog Write two sentences using the ratio of.  2. Autistic children are predominantly male. Boys outnumber girls by a ratio of 4 to 1. (L54/p1159)  3. Adults who are colorblind are predominantly male. Men outnumber women at a ratio of 15 to 1.  4. At age 65, women outnumber men at a ratio of 10 to 7.  5. Japan’s population over 65 outnumbers that of under 15 at a ratio of 7 to 3.    L6 one in every   
The Autism Spectrum - a range of objects, ideas, or opinions; range, scope: a wide ~ of opinion, across the political ~
L18 display  L19 at one end ~ at the other end  L21 verbal [ˈvɜr·bəl] - spoken rather than written; spoken, unwritten: a ~ agreement/explanation, ~ and physical attack/abuse, ~ skill  L22 overly sensitive to 
L24 go on; - continue : I won’t ~ working any more. G~, tell me. He could go on and on  - happen: what’s going on? Something is going on.  L25 trait -a characteristic of a personality: character, quality: Patience is one of his best ~s.
=> Read Par.2 [Recent Increase in Autism]=> STT
Read & Write Unit 7  Reading 2  Blog - In Praise of the Throwaway Society  #1
- Vocabulary: material-materialism-materialistic, significant-significance<->insignificant
    Dic Significant: large/important enough to have an effect, important, considerable, substantial
- Before Reading: Mad Anthony, About me/p.133
- Listen to Q-Skill-> Main Idea, Details-> Read to check/revise=> Pair
- What do you think?-A.2: Clarify Mad Anthony’s reasons to support his opinion in the textbook
              Main Point: A throwaway society is sign that things are better and people are wealthier.
                 Support-1: Lower Prices – Technology lowered the costs. Smaller price difference between buying and fixing
                 Support-2: Increased Wealth <- More money, lower prices
                 Support-3: Increased Features <- Technology especially electronics. Digital camera, cell phone, GPS
                 Conclusion: The throwaway society shows how good things are.
Blog Do you agree or disagree with Anthony’s arguments? Write your response in five to eight sentences.

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