
Senior 2-Dec.5th

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1
Inside Reading Unit 9  Reading 2  Farming in Many Places #5
-> Read the article aloud by part
=> Speak-1 Explain what hydroponic farming and vertical farming are in 60 sec.
=> Speak-2 Explain why they are said to be important in 60 sec.
Read & Write Unit 7  Reading-2 Music and Movies  #1
- Blog Review writing a paragraph to explain a music plan for your business
- Vocabulary-> Dic tense (adj): ~ person/moment/meeting, is/gets/sounds ~
(n) form of verb to show time: the present/past tense
- Read-1-> Details A, B
- Read-2-> Underline TS, Mark the key word(s), signal/key word(s) and Identify the SSs.
Star Wars: Theme                         Star Wars: Luke Skywalker

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