
Senior 2-Sep.2nd

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1  
Interest Pangolins (4:35) The Most Trafficked Mammal
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak 
Blog Speak what you will do if you find the last HR T of your elementary school on the bus, but he/she hasn’t noticed, and probably won’t notice you in 5-6 sen.
Inside Reading Unit 7  Reading 2  2-D Bar Codes  #1
- Title: 2-D Bar Codes   two-dimensional <- dimension
Dic dimension [dɪˈmɛn ʃən, daɪ-] a measurement of something in a particular direction (height, length, width); measure, size, : Specify the dimensions (= the height, length and width) of sth.
-> dimensional [dɪˈmɛn ʃənl, daɪ-] having measurements in the stated directions: a three-dimensional figure
         1-D, 2-D, 3-D: ~ film, computer graphics, video games, scanning, printing/printer,
- [L3] UPC bar codes <- Universal Product Code
2D barcode vs. QR Code
There are actually several different types of 2D barcode. The best known include QR Code® (pioneered in the 1990s by Japanese company Denso), Aztec code, MaxiCode (used by the US postal service), Semacode and more.
- Preview: Skim the text: Title, Subheadings, Photos and captions, Chart
=> Speak what the text is about in one sentence in the textbook.
The difference between 1-D and 2-D bar codes and how 2-D bar code is used.
- Reading Comprehension: Mark the key words to look for. T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.
Read & Write Unit 4  Read-1  The Power of Positive Thinking? #3
- Blog Review Writing: how positive you are with example(s) in four to six sentences.
Well explained and written. Use comparative: not as positive as I hope/should be. => Revise

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