
Advancing 1-Jul.20th

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-2  
STT-Speaking Blog Review=> Speak 
Speak about the person who had influence on you in 4 steps.
1. Who/Profile  2, 3. What he/she does, what influenced you  4. What you think of the influence

Inside Reading-2 Unit 1  Reading 2  Understanding Philly’s Basement #3
Blog Review the summary
- Words/Expressions  #1: Intro, Underground Mystery
L4 assume-> Corpus p.14  1. to thnk/accept that sth is true without having proof of it; think, guess, understand, expect
- ~ that/it is ~d that: It is reasonable/dangerous to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve.
- VN: Don’t always assume the worst. - VN to do: I had assumed him to be honest.
2. to take/begin to have power/responsibility  The rebel assumed control of the city.
             -> resume: begin again or continue after an interruption ~ talks/negotiations. ~ed driging
assumption: a belief/feeling that sth is true or will happen. On the ~ that, make ~ about, based on an ~
-> D. => Pair Compare the assumptions.
L5 rock-solid   [L6] vast  very large in size, extent, degree, or number; huge, gigantic, enormous, massive: the ~ majority of the attendees, the ~ number of bison, [L7] sewer-sewage; drain-drainage [L10] archaeology-archaeological-archaeologist  [P2-L14] sinkhole  [L19] rig; truck, lorry, [L19] Interstate 99  [P4-L28] liberal-liberally: openly, broadly   in no particular order, [P4-L33] shelter sth that provides cover/protection from weather/danger; place of refuge  [L31] document (v)  [L35] ethnic: racial, cultural, ~ group, ~ bias   [P5-L41] scatter  to throw about in various directions; disperse, spread  
-> [P4-L3] For example, in the mid-1800s ~ returned to the South.
-> [P5-L48] Until we figure out ~ man-eating hole might develop. <= what is it?
Open Forum-1 Chapter 2  Web 
WS Before Listening: Verona, Italy,  Romeo Montague   Juliet Capulet  Paris
- Lis-> Find the answers. Take memo to explain what the play is about.
- Lis=> Explain what the play is about and the story line in 90 seconds.
                            => Explain how Juliet develops her personality throughout the story
- Lis-> Listen and Read the Script=> Describe what Romeo and Julie is in 90 seconds.
Special Topic        Blog組織の統合

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