
Senior 1-Jul.23rd

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-1 
BW-Voca in Use Unit 27-Unit 1  VIU-1
BW-Review  Unit 27  Unit 1  
-- G&C-3: when/while 
-- GIU: Yuki’s Story => STT Read “However, … any longer=> Gmail-self => Correct=> Gmail-T
-- Reporting: Read=> Pair
BW-Practice  Unit 27  Unit 2
- G&C-1.1,2-> Ex-1. 1=> Pair Talk-1 about a thing you used to do: I used to ~ when I => Repeat You used
=> Pair Talk about a thing you didn’t used to do: I didn’t used to ~. Now I …=> Repeat You didn’t used 
- G&C-1.3-> Ex-2a=> Pair Talk-2 about a thing you used to do but no longer do: I used to ~ when ~ but I don’t do that any longer. => Repeat You used to ~ when ~ but you no longer do that.
=> STT Speak what you used to: #1, #2 => Gmail-self => Correct=> Gmail-T.
Cover to Cover Unit 5  Part 1   Learning in America
- Read with CD -> Vocabulary: casually dressed-formally, interact-interactive-interaction, interrupt-interruption, waste time, influence-influential, be confused, be impressed, be frustrated
=> What’s your Opinion? Pair Answer in one sentence + Explanation in two to three sentences.
1. Which education style do you prefer, Korean/Japanese style or American style?
2. Do you think you’ll choose your college based on the education style or the name of the college?
=> Blog Write your answers in the Blog=> Write a comment

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