
Senior 2-Mar.14th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-3 
BW-Voca in Use Unit 35-Unit 2  VIU-2
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> Read the Sentences aloud => STT=> Gmail
BW-Review Unit 35  Unit 2
BW-Practice Chapter 35  Unit 2
- GIU: EU #2  Review Reading aloud [Intro] [Policy] (=> STT [Intro] )
- TTS Listen [Economy] [Ecology] -> Read aloud
Inside Reading Unit 2  Reading 1  What time is it?  #4
- Read “The Development of Modern Clocks” > Study Words & Expressions #2
L43 mechanical features  [L50] wound [waʊnd] <-wind [waʊnd] to change direction; bend; turn: The river ~s through the forest.- winding road - to make (a mechanism) operational by tightening the mainspring with a key: ~ a clock   L51 springs and gears
=> Read aloud => STT Par. 5, 6
Task  Again=> Before you Read 1. Explain why it is (not) important for you to know the time.
              Knocker Upper (2:04)
Charlie Chaplin - Factory Work (3:20) => People became the master and slave of time
Blog Daylight saving time (DST), or summer time, is the practice of setting the clocks forward 1 hour from standard time during the summer months, and back again in the fall, in order to make better use of natural daylight. Less than 40% of the countries in the world use DST. Some countries use it to make better use of the natural daylight in the evenings. The difference in light is most noticeable in the areas at a certain distance from Earth's equator. DST is also used to reduce the amount of energy needed for artificial lighting during the evening hours.
=> Speak your answer in one minute. Do you think it is good idea to use Daylight Saving Time?

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