
Advancing 1-Mar.13

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-3  
Speak to Learn Chapter 35  Unit 2
- G-Drive GIU: EU/p.160=> Speak what you learned about the EU in three sentences.
Inside Reading-1 Unit 7  Reading 1  The Fast-Food Revolution  #4
- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions #1
[Another Fast-Food]  L25 albeit -> Corpus/p103
L28 was astonished to  L31 acknowledge  -to accept the truth or recognize the existence of something; accept, recognize, agree: sth, ~ that…, ~ sb as …, - to tell sb that you have received sth like a letter/email that was sent.
L36 persuade sb to do… -> persuasion  L36 sell him the authority ; power, control, right 
L38 decade; in the last ~, the end of the ~, after ~s of …  -> Voca Activity-B./p102 – leap year  a year that happens every four years and has an extra day on 29 February
L39 corporation-> corp. <-corporate (adj) relating to a large company: ~ finance/executives/client
[The Growth]  L40 One factor is that …-> L44 Another important factor ~ was the automobile.
L41 economy the system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is made and used: the global/US ~, a weak/strong ~   -> economic: ~ growth/policies/plan/assistance             - economical  not using a lot of fuel, money, etc: It’s ~ to, ~ way to, ~ on fuels,  - economics  study of the system by which a country’s wealth is made and used
L41 expanding<- expand  to increase something in size/number/importance; spread, grow, increase, enlarge, extend : the air ~s when heated. ~ retail businesses/number of stores. -> expansion  L42 optimistic-optimist <-> pessimistic
L42 generation -> Corpus/p.102 -> 団塊の世代-Wiki  the baby boom generation; the baby boomers
L42 be inclined to  wanting to do sth: She was ~ed to trust him.   - tending to do sth: He’s ~ed to be lazy
-> incline to (v) tend to think/believe in a particular way: I ~ to the view that peace can be achieved.  (n) slope
L48 enable sb to - to make sb able to do sth, or to make sth possible: The software ~s us to track orders efficiently.
L49 refuel <- fuel -> fill-refill  
L52 complement -> Corpus/p.103 -> (n) SVC -> complementary: ~ relationship, ~ color -> compliment -> with ~s
-> Read aloud=> Read Par.5 STT
[The Model Spreads] 
L54 copied<- copy  L55 inexperienced<- experienced  L60 start-up  L64 inspire  L64 retail business-> retailer ->wholesale business, wholesaler-wholesaler  L65 agency a business acting for or representing a person, an organization, or another business: an advertising/employment/real estate ~ -> agent  a person who acts for or represents another: a travel ~  L58 spread-spread-spread; expand
L70 reject -> Corpus/p.104 to refuse to accept, use, or believe something or someone; deny, refuse, decline, turn down
L71 overlap - lie over sth else  - to have some parts or features that are the same:
-> Read aloud=> Read Par.8 STT
- Review: Read the text aloud-> Vocabulary Activity A. => STT
Read & Write Unit 6  Reading 1  Memo to Restaurant Servers  #1
- Preview the Unit - A: Listen to the Q-classroom/Web-> Pair C: A, B, C, D, and;
=> Pair Do you prefer to get help from a person or a machine? 
<= The answer probably differs whether one is in their own country or not.
- Vocabulary: estimate-estimation, interact-interaction, benefit (n) (v)-beneficial
- Skim-> Predict what this memo is about; from who to whom, about what, the structure
- Read => TBD

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