
Senior 1-Aug.23rd

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-1
BW-Voca in Use Unit 28-Unit 1  VIU-2
BW-Review Unit 28  Unit 2C
- G&C-1 => Pair You study classical Japanese literature in school, don’t you? Have you learned about the Tale of Genji? 
BW-Practice Unit 28  Unit 2
- G&C-2-> Ex-2.1-> Ex-2.2 
=> Pair What are you doing now? What were you doing at this time yesterday?
=> Pair Do you use LINE? Have you sent or received any photos today? 
- GIU: Traveling to Oxford-1  Pair Read the dialogue part -> Practice reading Ron’s monologue
=> STT Read the monologue part
Cover to Cover Unit 6  Part 1  The Secret to a Long Life
- Read aloud with CD -> Looking at Vocabulary in Context
-> Study words/expressions
=> Pair Talk about the oldest person you know in 60 sec. Describe the lifestyle, how he/she lives with others.=>Q&A in 90 sec. 
=> STT Speak about the oldest person you know in five sentences.
Blog 音声認識&AI

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