
Senior 2-Jan.16th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2015-2 

Speak to Learn Unit 33 Unit 1 Review  Indirect Speech: wh-/how-/if   
Blog Speak in indirect speech=> Type 1. An foreigner asked me, “Do you know where the post office is?”
2. The immigration officer asked me, “Do you have a visa?”  3. She asked me, “What is the purpose of your trip?”
4. She asked me, “How long are you staying?”  5. She asked me, “Where are you staying?”
6. She asked me, “Do you have more than $10,000?”

Inside Reading-1 Unit 5  Reading-1   What is success? #4
- Review: Read the text aloud
[Par.5-7]   L43 focused on  L48 coincide ~ with …  L50 feel socially secure/unsecure 
L51  This status anxiety fuels the ambition needed to reach for success.
L54 dynamic  having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm; energetic, active, influential, aggressive, forceful: a ~ person
L55  These are people who don’t wait for things to happen; these are people who make things happen.
L58 dominate-> Corpus/p.72  -> dominant; superior, controlling, leading, influential -> G. => STT
L60 exploit  (v) take advantage of, misuse, abuse, profit from: Laws exist to stop companies ~ing their employees.
L61 broaden knowledge/scope/access  L64 colleague [ˈkɑl·iɡ]-> Corpus/p.70 -> B.
L67 generate to cause to exist; produce, create, cause : ~ interest/excitement, ~ sales/revenue/jobs/power
-> Read aloud=> Read Par. 6  STT
-> Vocabulary Activity A.
diagnose [ˈdɑɪ·ɪɡˌnoʊz]- to recognize a disease or other problem by making an examination: He was ~d with cancer. It was not easy to diagnose what was wrong with the business. -> diagnosis [dɑɪ·ɪɡˈnoʊ·sɪs] pl: diagnoses
Lance Armstrong was found that he had used performance-enhancing drugs over the course of his career and was stripped of all of his achievements from August 1998 onward, including his seven Tour de France titles. He also received a lifetime ban from all sports that follow the World Anti-Doping Code—ending his competitive career.
=> STT
=> Blog How would you define success? What is success to you? => Speak your answer in 60 sec.
=> Write your answer in four to six sentences.

Read & Write Unit 4  Reading 1: Money and Sports #3
- Blog Review Writing  Do you think professional athletes earn too much? Why or why not?
=> Write four to six sentences in response.
Try using examples. Dictionary to use a verb properly. Don’t use “I think.”
Check the model and others’  Naos’s simple and good points.=> Revise

Interest  5 Reasons to sleep longer (3:31)  => Speak the five reasons in 60 sec.

=> Speak How long do you usually sleep? Do you think you need to sleep longer? Are you going to sleep longer? 

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