
Senior 2-Mar.7th

Eiken Lis-2Q 2017-3  Review #5  Repeat=> Shadowing
#20  Repeat => Speak in 2 sen => Repeat/Shadowing=> STT Dictation
1. Speak the narration in 2 sen. 1. T&V created a website that … for their college biz class. 2. They not only got a good grade on ~ but also turned it into a real bis to help financing their college fees.
  walk a dog, get a good grade on, turn it into a real biz, pay fees.

Comm. Practice a  Blog Pair Elaborate the talk by repeating and asking questions
I did ~ last weekend. => STT Report what your partner said in three sentences.

Schoolwork Review a   => Read/Speak key words/phrases=> STT-SW

Inside Reading-1 Unit 1  Reading-2  Segway into the Future   #5
- Read to Review
-> Voca-A/p.12 to review words
Glenn Curtiss, (2:12)
Blog Glenn Curtiss (1878-1930) was an American aviation and motorcycling pioneer, and a founder of the U.S. aircraft industry. He began his career as a bicycle racer and builder before moving on to motorcycles. As early as 1904, he began to manufacture engines for airships. In 1908, Curtiss joined the Aerial Experiment Association, a pioneering research group, to build flying machines. Curtiss made the first officially witnessed flight in North America, won a race at the world's first international air meet in France, and made the first long-distance flight in the US.
-> Read aloud Voca-A => STT

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