Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak - Blog Speak how you would teach English if you were an
English teacher in 4-6 sen. Use make/have/let sb do, encourage, give students
Inside Reading Unit 9
Reading 1 Hydroponics #1
Dic hydro- [haɪ.drəʊ-] connected
with or using the power of water: hydrogen, hydropower,
hydroelectricity/electric, hydrofoil, hydrogen bomb(H-bomb)
- hydroponics (= a method of growing plants in water)
<- hydroponic
(adj) electronics-electric
- Preview
by Skimming: Check the title, subheadings, photos/image
and captions, the 1st par.
-> Dic stem - a central part of sth from which other parts
can develop/grow, or which forms a support
- the
straight part that grows above the ground and from which leaves and flowers
Speak the main
idea in one sen.: The mechanism of hydroponics and how it is used to provide food
to people.
- Reading Comprehension: Underline/Mark
the key words to look for.
-> Read
T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false
Read & Write Unit 6 Reading 1 What is Laughter? #2
- Listen to the Q Classroom
- Review Blog When do you laugh? Write your answer in four to six
- Study Words/Expressions:
- Reading Skills: Identifying the Topic Sentence in a paragraph -> A/p.107
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