

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1  
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak
Blog Speak how you learned to swim or play/do sth (musical instrument, sports, artwork) in 4-6 sen
Inside Reading-2 Unit 4  Reading 2  Fame in a Foreign Language: Joseph Conrad  #1
- Blog Review the Summary of Oxfordian’s Case
- Preview the text, identify the pars-> Skim the text
              => Write what this text is about in one sentence=> Post on Blog=> Compare the sentence.
- Read-1 -> Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the paragraph/Line #, Correct false statements.
-> Read aloud Par.1=> STT
Blog Joseph Conrad 
Open Forum-1 Unit 4  Listening 2  A Radio Program to ask psychologist about memory  #2
- Listening-3 w/Script-> Voc: [Part-1] negative [Part-2] mention, meaning-meaningful, associate ~ with, vivid, enormous, silly-sillier, [Part-3] strong-strength, benefit-beneficial, parallel to ~
- Pronunciation: Stressed and Unstressed Prepositions-> Try examples and understand the “Situation”
- Speaking Skills: Taking Time to Think “It’s on the tip on my tongue”
=> Speaking Practice: Talk about your earliest memory, such as event, incident or experience.
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