Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak
Blog Speak how you study English in school and at home
in 4-6 sen.
Inside Reading-2 Unit 4 Reading
2 Fame in a Foreign Language: Joseph
Conrad #2
- Reading Skill->
Apply: Outlining=> Pair Compare the
outline how the text is paraphrased.
Write/Speak a summary of the text in three sentences=> Post on Blog=> Compare the sentence. Review
the Outline/p.59, organize key points, events and facts of his life and works
into three groups in chronological order before writing. Use your own words or paraphrase.
Read & Write-2 Unit 9 Reading 2 Problems with Math, a personal essay #2
- Review Writing Skill
=> Blog Write a
paragraph to explain a place (your community/society, school,
country, a thing (sports, organization, event), or a
creature (people, animal, bird, fish). Write three or four points that
are important or unique and use numbers to support them.
Interest Blog Moons in the solar system
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