Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1
Interest Nova, a long-running, award-winning documentary series focuses on
science - the speculation, history and researchers associated with it and its
many applications. Inspired by the BBC documentary program `Horizons', the U.S.
series frequently features interviews with scientists directly involved in the
topic at hand, and sometimes even boasts footage of a particular discovery.
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak
Inside Reading-2 Unit 4 Reading
1 Could Shakespeare Have Written
Shakespeare’s Plays? #4
-> Study Words/Expressions
[The Stratfordians Case]
backward son (less progress than normal) [L58] Dic prosperous <- prosper - prosperity
high bailiff [bei] (officer,
Brit: a person in charge of local administrative or magistrate authority) [L67]
playwright writer
for theaters [L-72] ailment (a physical disorder or illness)
- Study Sentences/Words/Expressions in
-> Read aloud Par.6=>
Pair Discuss
interpretation=> Predict/Reword -> Study
w/Dic=> Pair Check
hoax; deception, fraud
protocol-> Corpus/p.54 Dic (rules of conduct, behavior in a certain
situation) code, obligation, procedure
-> C/p.55 -> Read aloud
the noble class, highborn earl [L81]
common people [L84] front man <->
ghost writer
☆ [L85~]
for this to be true, Shakespeare’s many friends and acquaintances were either blind
enough to be fooled by it or willing to be in on the trick.
-> Read aloud=>
Pair Discuss
interpretation=> Predict/Reword -> Study
- acquaint-acquaintance
☆ [L90~]
The part hardest to believe that plan like that could be sustained for decades without
the secret being revealed
- sustain to
hold up under; withstand: ~ great
provocation : ~ life, ~ economic
growth, ~ an argument
- to
maintain, prolong: ~ a discussion - support physically from below - provide for/give support to : to ~ a family
☆ [L97~]
A great deal of carful work has confirmed these days, and most Oxfordians reluctantly
that de Vere’s death preceded the appearance of these plays.
- concede (to acknowledge as true, just, or
proper) admit, accept: He finally ~d that
she was right. - to admit or acknowledge
defeat: give in/up, surrender; ~ an
election before all the votes are counted. -> make
- precede (to go or be before sb/sth in time,
place, rank) go ahead of -> precedent/precedence-> unprecedented
-> Corpus/p.54 Dic precede to go or be before sb/sth
in time/place/rank; go ahead of -> precedent/precedence-> unprecedented
-> B/p.54
Note the reference
Dic persist
(to continue steadily despite difficulty) carry on, continue, persevere,
pursue; ~ in working for world
peace/political activities. -> persistent-persistence
brought out as needed [L107] contemporary references to make the play look
Study Words/Expressions [Par.8] [L109]
center on speculation-speculate [L111] accumulate
[əˈkyumyəleɪt] to gather or collect, often
in gradual degrees; add to, collect, gain, increase: ~ wealth.
[112] settle the matter
☆ [114~]
“Those who believe de Vere was Shakespeare must accept an improbable hoax as part
of it, a conspiracy of silence
involving among others, Queen Elizabeth herself. Those who side with
the Stratford man must believe in
-> Read aloud=>
Pair Discuss
interpretation=> Predict/Reword -> Study
- improbable-probable (likely
to occur, prove true) possible, feasible;
a ~ business loss, ~ writer of the article
- conspiracy-conspire
(agree together secretly to do sth wrong/evil/illegal) cooperate; They ~d to kill the king.
=> Blog Write a
summary of the Stratfordians’ case (Par.5-7) in 4~6 sentences=> Pair Review=> Revise
Read & Write-2 Unit 9 Reading 2 Problems with Math, a personal essay #2
- Read w/Q-Classroom
- Study Words/Expressions [P2] squeak
- to make a short, very high sound or cry - to just manage to do something; succeed,
manage: He ~ed through the exam. run into trouble [P4] get
into college be flattered (=honored) You’re trying to flatter me, Don’t flatter yourself (think you can do) [P5] go
through (process)
What do you think-B/p.176: 2.
Some people have a natural ability in math or dealing with numbers,
while others struggle with it. Do you consider
yourself to be good at math or numbers or not? Why?
=> Speak your answer to the question with example(s) in 90
- Grammar: The
Present Perfect
-> A. have/has studied/lived for
permanent/long time, have been –ing for emphasis on the present –ing.
B. Pair Ask two questions using the
present perfect.
=> Answer the questions in the present
perfect and explain in the past and present tense.
- Writing Skill: Using
numbers to support ideas.
-> A.
Identify MI, study the population growth. -> B.
=> Describe a trend, situation, event, place or thing, or
your grades or profile using numbers and facts.
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