
Senior 2-Oct.21st

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1 
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak 
Blog Speak how you study English in school and at home in 4-6 sen.
Inside Reading Unit 8  Reading 2  A Bold Thief #5
=> Vocabulary Activities E. /p.128 -> Read aloud => STT
=> If a museum pays you \2,500 an hour (\20,000/day), would you be interested in the job?
Read & Write Unit 6  Reading 1 What is Laughter? #1
Preview the Unit: Listen to the Q Classroom
=> Talk Do you laugh often? Do you laugh loudly or quietly?
- Vocabulary: Read the Text aloud -> Answer with Part of Speech in mind-> Read the Text again
-> Dic embarrass - to make sb feel shy, awkward, ashamed; bother: The question ~ed me.
- cause mental discomfort, confusion, complication; bother, confuse, distract, disturb: The question ~ the president.   -embarrassing-embarrassed   surprise-surprising-surprised
- Preview Reading 1: Identify the Four Questions-> Overview the structure
- Read-> Main Ideas, Details => Pair
- Read Par-2 aloud => Blog When do you laugh? Write your answer in four to six sentences.

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