STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak - Blog Speak how you would teach English if you were an
English teacher in 4-6 sen. Use make/have/let sb do, encourage, give students
Inside Reading-2 Unit 4 Reading 2 Fame in a
Foreign Language: Joseph Conrad #3
- Review Blog the summary of
the text in three sentences
- Study Words/Expressions/Sentences #1
[Intro, Early Language Experience]
L1 literary
->literacy [P2-L21] a good deal of; to a very great degree
or extent of [L24] struggle
for sth/to do; try hard, attempt; ~ for
independence, ~ to payback tackle,
compete [L26] revolutionary activity [L26]
was exiled [ɛg zaɪl/ɛk saɪl] (vt) to expel or banish sb
from the country; expatriate. (n) the fact/state of being exiled; live in ~, years of ~, political ~ [L30] tuberculosis [P3-L40] well-born born of a good/noble/highly esteemed
[L42] Given
~ , Conrad must have learned …
[L43] exile [ˈɛg zaɪl/ˈɛk saɪl a prolonged, usually enforced absence from one's home or country;
banishment, deportation, migration
[P-4-L48] Dic restless unable to stay still/quiet; a ~ boy, become ~, ceaselessly active or moving: the restless wind/waves, worried; anxious; uneasy, without rest; a ~ sleep/night [L52] being drafted
into to take or select by draft,
especially for military service; recruit, call up [L54] more
than adequate; enough, sufficient; ~ supply, ~ car, ~ to the needs
[L55-58] His career was ~ , perhaps brought on by worry over debts …
[P5-L64] get by manage/survive/get
along/thrive; L65 vessel [L67] protocol
rules of conduct, behavior in certain situation; agreement, procedure
L73 second-class seaman, first-class
(seaman), master: a naval officer trained in and responsible for the navigation
of a sailing vessel, a professional seaman and specialist in navigation, rather
than as a military commander.
-> Read
aloud Par.5=> STT
Open Forum-1 Unit 4 Listening 2 A Radio Program to ask psychologist
about memory #2
- Listen w/Script-> Voc: [Part-1] negative [Part-2] mention,
meaning-meaningful, associate ~ with, vivid, enormous, silly-sillier, [Part-3] strong-strength,
benefit-beneficial, parallel to ~
- Pronunciation: Stressed and Unstressed Prepositions-> Try examples
and understand the “Situation”
- Speaking Skills: Taking Time to Think “It’s on the tip on my tongue”
=> Speaking Practice: Talk about your earliest memory, such as event, incident
or experience.
Interest Blog UN Budget Crisis