
Advancing 1-Jun.8th

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-2 
STT-Speaking Blog Speak about what you liked doing or a thing you liked before starting elementary school :
- What you liked doing/a thing you liked   - What/How you did              - Why you like it, what you learned
Inside Reading-1 Unit 10  Reading 1  Giving Nature a Hand #3
- Blog Review the main ideas of the article in four sentences. (100 words)
- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions
[Intro ~ Vision Today]  L3 lacked the knowledge (v) ~ the sense of humor (n) ~ of sth-> short of sth  L6 existence: the existence of God/poverty  come into existence -> existent: ~ conditions  L7 impaired vision <-impair -to damage or weaken sth so that it is less effective; harm, weaken, lessen, spoil: ~ the ability, ~ the chances
L9 incentive  (C/UC) an ~ for -ing/sth, to do Corpus/p151 => E.
L11 supposedly  according to what sb told you, or according to what is believed by many people to be true; probably, seeminly: The tickets are ~ in the mail.  L12 came into common use  to enter a place or a new position or state: The new safety regulations ~ effect next month.
L13 objective -> Corpus/p.149
L14 carving or sewing ->sewing machine  L16 bifocal lenses  L17 farsighted and nearsighted 
L20 tension Corpus/p150  - the state of being tight and stiff  - anxiety and worry: feel the ~ -> tense; under stress/pressure, nervous: becomes ~ as …  a ~financial situation.
L20 stiff wire  L24 opt for ; choose, prefer -> option  L20 corneal implants [ˈkɔːr.ni.əl] concerning the cornea (= the transparent surface of the eyeball)  L25 eliminate the need for corrective devices altogether; as a whole, generally, totally, completely
-> Read aloud Par.1 => STT
- Reading Skill: Distinguishing Fact from Opinion -> Apply A.
Open Forum-1 Chapter 1  Web  A talk at a student orientation meeting #1
- WS A talk at a student orientation meeting                                      
- Listen-> Main Ideas, More Details
Take memos what Americans do/don’t do or you should/shouldn’t do in America.
- eye             - hands - thumb  - thumb and forefinger                     - touch
- Listen to organize the points you’d explain to a friend from Japan.     -> (- Listen w/Transcript)
=> Tell a partner from Japan what he/she should/shouldn’t do in America.
Interest Blog AI Singularity in Shogi 

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