Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-2
STT-Speaking Blog Speak about a thing you did that you regret during junior high school in 3 sentences.
- What you
regret - Explain in detail - What you should or shouldn’t have done
Inside Reading-1 Unit 10 Reading 2 Bionic People #4
[Claudia] L59 impose restriction
on force a rule/tax/punishment, to
cause inconvenience (Corpus/p152)
L60 confine
her to sth - enclose detain, imprison -
limit, restrain-> B/p.157 L66
was fitted with
L70 disproportionate
<-proportion : share, ratio, percentage, fraction ; balance,
harmony, symmetry-> Corpus/p.159
L72 implanting sensors in the brain to link
the brain to the arm L72 neural engineering
- Reading
Skill: Distinguishing Fact from Opinion -> Apply-A, B
- Read the
last paragraph=> STT
Task-1 Is it
to implant sensors in the brain to control bionic arms or legs? Is that
approach so different from Jesse and Claudia as Dr. Kuiken says? => Speak your opinion
in 60 seconds.
Read & Write Unit 8 Reading 2 Writing a Short
Story #1
- Vocabulary: resolve-resolution,
time span; a distance, amount, piece
- Read-> Main Ideas, Details
- Read=> Explain the three parts
to form a play or a story in 90 sec.
Interest Blog Youth
Unemployment in Europe-2015
=> Speak What you’d do if you lived in Spain in 4-5
sen. => Write=> Present
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