Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-2
STT-Speaking Blog Speak about what you liked doing or a thing you liked when you were in
elementary school
- What you liked
doing/a thing you liked - What/How you
did - Why you like it, what
you learned
Inside Reading-1 Unit 10 Reading 1 Giving Nature a Hand #4
[Improve Hearing ~ ] L27 enhance hearing L28 did
exist L28 hollow [ˈhɑl·oʊ] having an
empty space inside or on the surface of an object; empty: a ~ tree <-> solid L29 with the point cut off L33
battery-operated/powered hearing aids
L34 components L35 a sound-amplification device <-amplify, amplifier L36 disc
show prejudice, segregate; distinguish, differentiate-> discriminatory
<-> fair
->Corpus/p153 => E.
surgical alternative L43 cochlear
implant [ˈkɑːk.li.ɚ] <- cochlea [ˈkɑːk.li.ə] a twisted tube inside the
inner ear that is the main organ of hearing 内耳の蝸牛 L47 physically unattractive L47 earliest
known false teeth L48 dentures
teeth worn by people who do not have their own teeth: a set of ~
a large sum
of money Corpus/p151
perfected (v) [pərˈfekt] to make something
perfect; polish, improve, achieve, develop: ~
ones golfing technique/skill L51 advocated its use (v) [ˈæd·vəˌkeɪt] to speak in support of an
idea or course of action; support, recommend -> (n) [ˈæd·və·kət] -> advocacy L54 artificial teeth L54 affordable to everyone L55 dental
implantation L56 jawbone L58 a removable dental device L60 uncovered the tomb L60 confined;
enclose, limit, detain, imprison L61 embedded into the bone
L63 imposed
on - force a rule/tax/punishment, to
cause inconvenience; Corpus/p152
give nature a hand with
-> Read aloud Par.7: L45~54 =>
- Vocabulary
Activity C.
Pronun/AmE: voluntary->
voluntarily [ˈvɑː.lən.ter.əl.i] temporary->
temporarily [ˈtem.pə.rer.əl.i]=> STT
Read & Write Unit 8 Reading 1 Nasreddin Hondja and the
Candle #4
Reading Skill: Summarizing
You don’t have to use the same tense as the original but you
can write the summary in the present.
Blog Guidelines to Write a
Blog Text for Summary Writing
Interest Gorillas
to attempt to avoid rain
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