Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-3
BW-Voca in Use Unit 37-Unit 1 VIU-2
-CD Practice Pronunciation-> Read the Sentences aloud => STT=> Gmail
BW-Review Unit 37 Unit 1
- G&C-3/p.186 if/unless -> Ex-3.2
=> Pair Read aloud (1)/(2), (3)/(4), (5)/(6) => Repeat in (2)/(1), (4)/(3), (6)/(5) w/o Textbook
-GIU/p.188: Japan Read aloud C.-> Read aloud E. => STT
BW-Practice Unit 37 Unit 2
- G&C-1/p.191 if I were => Pair Ex-1.3 Answer w/o Textbook => Blog Write your answers
- G&C-2/p.194 I wish
=> Pair I wish I were ~. => What would you do if you were …? => If I were ~, I would …
=> Pair I wish I could ~. => What would you do if you could …? => If I could ~, I would …
=> Pair I wish I had ~. => What would you do if you had …? => If I had ~, I would …
Inside Reading Unit 3 Reading 2 Fighting Bacteria #2
- Reading Skill Find the words in the text and predict the meaning. Look them up in the Dic and write the definitions.
- Review a Skill: Pronoun References => Pay attention to sing/plural
- Words & Phrases
[P1-L3] transfer move sth from one place to another
L4 cause => Pair What is A caused by? => A is caused by B. tsunami-earthquake, lung cancer-smoking, stomach ache-bad bacteria, global warming-fossil fuels, air pollution-too many cars, overweight-too much eating,
L4 infection -> Corpus/p.47-> F
L8 exist -> Corpus/p.44-> B, C.
[P2-L11] bacteria were [L14] prevent to keep from occurring; avoid, block, stop: He intervened to ~ bloodshed. -to stop from doing something: There is nothing to ~ us from going. [P3-L16] develop a procedure actions necessary to do sth correctly <-proceed [L20] heating process [L20] pasteurization<-pasteurize[ˈpæs tə raɪz, -] to expose (a food, as milk, cheese, yogurt, beer, or wine) to an elevated temperature for a period of time sufficient to destroy certain microorganisms
L22 react-> Corpus/p.44-> A.
[L22] carbolic acid = phenol [ˈfiːnɒl ]a white crystalline soluble poisonous acidic derivative of benzene 石炭酸
Read aloud Par.1 (L1~L8) => STT
- Interest-1 How to prevent antibiotic resistance (2:29)
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