
Advancing 1-Apr.6th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-3 
Speak to Learn Chapter 36  Unit 2
- G-Drive GIU China Part-1/p.180  => STT=> Speak about China in three words
Inside Reading-1 Unit 8  Reading 1 The Autism Puzzle  #2
- -Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions
[ ~L38]  L1 is marked by  L2 repetitive behavior  expressed or happening in the same way many times; repeating, boring: a~ job/task -> repetition   L4 diagnosed [ˈdɑɪ·ɪɡˌnoʊs]  to recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining it: -> diagnosis  L5 spinning <-spin – spun(span)-spun  
L8 phase [feɪz]-> C./p118  an initial/early ~, the first/last ~  L10 pretend to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not to deceive people or as a game: ~ to care, ~ed(that) he didn't mind, She’s just pretending.-> pretense
L14 be capable of   L14 odd -> Corpus/p119 -> D. => Speak an odd behavior you’ve seen or you think.
L17 stands waiting  (stand + adj) to be in a particular condition/situation: I ~ corrected=accept  L8 clatter of shopping carts  L19 infer  L21 extreme sensitivity<- sense  L22 textures   L24 rewinds the tape 
L29 constrain to limit someone's freedom, or to limit the way something develops or grows; restrain: The country's progress was ~ed by the war.  L29 develop skills  L33 sniff 
L35 assess -> Corpus/p119 => STT                     L36 tasks -> F./p120 
L36 appropriate -> Corpus/p120=> Pair What do you think is an appropriate/inappropriate clothes to wear when/for …?    L37 link -> B./p118
=> Read L35~L38 => STT
[L39~ ] L47 give-and-take  - a free exchange of ideas or opinions  -  the willingness to accept some of another person's ideas and give up some of your own; interchange, exchange  L49 yell [jel] to shout words or make a loud noise.: Don't ~ at me, ~ out in pain 
L54 predominantly-predominant  more noticeable or important, or larger in number, than others; most important, ruling, dominant - more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type: superior, controlling, prevailing: ~ personality, ~ military power, ~ party in congress  
While dominant is more used in influence, predominant means 'more frequent' or 'more common'.
L60 not academically mature -> immature, premature  L72 sturdy [ˈstɜrd·i] strong, solid, thick: ~ table, ~ enough to
=> Read L53~L57=> STT

Read & Write Unit 6  Writing #2
Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph describing a process-> A. Brainstorm -> B. Select a Topic
Blog Spam Musubi is a popular snack in Hawaii. It is a type of sushi that has marinated cooked spam in sushi.
Soak uncooked rice for 4 hours; drain and rinse.
In a saucepan bring 2 cups water to a boil. Add rice and stir. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes. Stir in rice vinegar, and set aside to cool.
In a separate bowl, stir together soy sauce, oyster sauce, and sugar until sugar is completely dissolved. Slice luncheon meat lengthwise into 10 slices, or to desired thickness, and marinate in sauce for 5 minutes.
In a large pan, heat oil over medium high heat. Cook slices for 2 minutes per side, or until lightly browned. Cut nori sheets in half and lay on a flat work surface. Place a rice press in the center of the sheet, and press rice tightly inside. Top with a slice of luncheon meat, and remove press. Wrap nori around rice mold, sealing edges with a small amount of water. (Rice may also be formed by hand in the shape of the meat slices, 1 inch thick.)
Musubi may be served warm or chilled.
- Organize the steps in order, an introductory message to the reader and a topic sentence
=> Write a paragraph to describe the process. Refer to p.117.
        - Write a topic sentence introducing what process you’re writing about.

- Add a conclusion sentence(s) to encourage the reader to follow the steps for their benefits.

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