Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-3
- Parts of Speech/p.203 - Phrase, Clause, Sentence/p.204
Inside Reading-1 Unit 8 Reading 2 Looking for Answers #4
- [Looking for Causes] L29 uncaring - not worrying about other people's troubles or doing anything to help them; heartless, unsympathetic, inconsiderate L30 progress; improve, move forward, advance L32 differ from L33 involve - to include sb/sth in an activity: The accident ~d ten cars: ~ in sth - to make someone interested in taking part in something: -> involvement
L33 critical thinking - the process of thinking carefully about a subject or idea, without allowing feelings or opinions to affect you; disciplined thinking, clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence: develop ones ~.
L35 inferred<-infer L38 an overload of messages L40 new born L47 genes, the carriers of inherited traits, play a role in autism. L53 with the odds of …<-Corpus/p.119
L54 predominate by a ratio of 4 to 1 -> Corpus/p.127 more noticeable or important, or larger in number, than others; most important, ruling, dominant - more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type: superior, controlling, prevailing: ~ personality, ~ military power, ~ party in congress
While dominant is more used in influence, predominant means 'more frequent' or 'more common'.
L55 run in families ; go on, extend, continue, range L56 heredity [həˈred·ɪ·t̬i] transmission of traits from parents to offspring; inheritance, genetic L61 look into to examine the facts about a problem or situation; check, research L64 consistent link to - always happening or behaving in a similar way; steady, constant, regular, dependable: ~ on a policy - agreeing with something said or done previously; logical, comparable: The witness’s story is ~ with the police report. -> consistency
[Treating, Applied Behavior] L68 medication L68 benefit (from); advance, enhance, improve: ~ from education
L69 relax -> Corpus/p.125 (vi), (vt)-> B.
L69 constrain -> Word Form/p.125 limit sb's freedom or the way sth develops or grows; force, restrain, limit -> D.
L70 participate -> Corpus/p.128 ; take part in, engage in, compete -> H.
L72 side effects L76 break down L79 therapist-therapy L79 reward (n) (v) - award L80 session a formal meeting of an organization; meeting, gathering, conference L81 utter a sound to say sth or make a sound with your voice: sat without uttering a word; say, speak, pronounce L82 praised and rewarded
L86 mature -> Corpus/p.126-> E.
=> Read Par.8 Treating Autism => STT
Review Reading -> Identify the main idea of Subheading-Recent Increase, Spectrum, Looking for Causes, Treat/ABN, and Conclusion.
Read & Write Unit 7 Reading 2 Blog - In Praise of the Throwaway Society #2
- Read with Q-Skill-
- Blog Review Writing your response in five to eight sentences.
- Words/Expressions: (par.1) material-materialistic (par.4) a significant part of their budget
- Vocabulary Skill: Phrasal Verbs - watch out, pick up, throw away, fall down, stop by, wore out, put on, fall apart
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