Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1
STT-Speaking Blog
Review=>Speak - Blog 都道府県別人口推計
Tokyo is very crowded, and houses are very expensive.
But the populations of Tokyo and the surrounding prefectures are increasing
while the ones of other prefectures are decreasing.
Why do more people move to Tokyo
area? Speak your answer in 4-6 sen.
Inside Reading Unit 9 Reading 2 Farming in Many Places #3
L2 estimate
L3 strategy -> Corpus/p.141 ~ for doing sth/to do sth; plan, action, design, approach -> A.
Pair-1 What is your strategy for -ing? => My strategy for -ing (sth) is to …
Pair-2 Do you have any strategy to do? => Yes. My strategy to do (sth) is to …
L5 maintain (p135); insist, believe L8 suitable for farming
L21 benefit Dic > Corpus/p.143 (adj) beneficial helpful, useful, or good: to sth, to do sth
The improvement in sth had a beneficial effect/influence on the team.
A stay in the country will be beneficial to his/the health.
The psychiatric team decided that it would not be beneficial to keep her in hospital. -> E.
=> Pair-1 What are the benefits of learning English?
=> Pair-2 What subject do you think is the most beneficial to study for your future?
L23 artificial lighting/light <-> natural
L27 require -> requirement (L59) -> Corpus/p.142-> C. Mark the word that determines the form.
L32 adjusting the nutrients L34 the principles of [L36] achieve success
Read aloud Par.2-> Par.3=> STT
Read & Write Unit 7 Reading-1 Music and Shopping #2
- Skimming: the Title and Subtitles-> Read the first and last par.
=> Pair Speak what this excerpt is about in one sentence.
- Read-> Underline the TS, Answer Main Ideas, Details
- Reading Skills: Identifying Supporting Sentences and Details
=> A/p.127: Identify TS and two SS in paragraph 4 and 5
=> B/p.128: Identify TS, SS and D in paragraph 2 and 3
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