iken Lis-2nd 2018-1
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak - Blog Speak how
important to learn English in 4-6 sentences.
Inside Reading-2 Unit 5
Reading 1 The Weather Goes to Court: Forensic
Meteorology #4
Study Words/Expressions #2
[The Value of an Expert ~ ]
L57 orient
(v) Dic to adjust/align
sb/sth according to surroundings/circumstances: adapt/adjust/align; It took me time to ~ myself in the new
L60 draws
scattered facts together into a coherent picture. - scatter to separate and drive off in various directions;
disperse: ~ a crowd, ~d clouds - coherent Dic logically connected; understandable, logical,
rational, consistent; a ~ argument having a natural agreement of parts;
harmonious; a ~ design-> coherency
flat-flatten-flattened L67
(insurance) policy cover/coverage
[L71] by the prospect of prospect(s) an apparent probability of
advancement/success, the outlook for the future; expectation, hope,
probability: good biz ~s.
L76 call
in to ask for the service of sb; ~ a
doctor/the police L77 meteorologist-meteorology
L88 destructive
L88 energy-> Word Form Chart-Corpus/p.71;
solar/nuclear/renewable ~,
generate/produce/conserve/save/ ~,
- the ability to be active; full of ~, have/lack ~, save/conserve/waste
energetic: ~ person/speaker/actor, feel/be ~ energetically: support/campaign/play/put effort/work ~
updraft the movement upward of air
or other gas
L101 reinforce
Dic to give added strength or support to/emphasis
on ; strengthen, fortify, increase, undermine; ~ the wall/foundation/efforts L103 burst Dic to break, fly apart
w/sudden violence: The bitter cold caused
the pipes to ~. to issue forth
suddenly and forcibly; Oil ~ to the
surface. to give sudden expression
to; ~ into applause/tears
L108 continual repeated
many times; repeated/endless; ~
rain/interruption <-> continuous happening/existing w/o interruption;
continued, uninterrupted; ~
L113 ensure Dic assure/guarantee/make sure; ~ his success, ensure all lights are turned
L117 certify Dic to attest as certain; give reliable
information of; confirm: He ~ied the truth of his claim. to testify to or vouch for in writing: The medical examiner will ~ his findings to
the court. to guarantee; endorse
reliably: to certify a document with an
official seal. -certified-certificate L120 credential [krɪdɛnʃəl]
evidence/proof that entitles sb to confidence/authority; ~s for the job, examine ~s L117
witness stand
☆ Speak what
forensic meteorology is in 90 sec with an example.
1. Definition 2.
Description/Explanation 3.
Example (4. Conclusion)
(Par.4) Forensic meteorology is science
to present the weather conditions in a particular place in s particular time.
It can be used as evidence in court or
disputes. (Par.7-8) For example, if a farmer claims a natural damage caused by certain weather phenomena, it
needs to be proved by forensic meteorology. (Par.9) As technology and tools become more accurate and
economical, forensic meteorology is expected to be used more widely.
Read & Write-2 Unit 10 Reading 1: Flu FAQ (Frequently
Asked Questions) #1
- Listen to Q-Classroom => [A]
What are some things you do to avoid getting sick? => Pair
- [C, D]
Match the names of illness: communicable/infectious disease
diabetes [daɪəbitɪs] malaria [məlɛəriə] asthma [æzmə] tuberculosis [tʊbɜrkyəloʊsɪs]
- Vocabulary: epidemic,
symptom, infect-infection-infectious (=communicable), virus
- Read->
Main Ideas, Details [A] Venn Diagram
A Venn
diagram or set diagram is a diagram that shows all possible logical
relations between a finite collection of sets. Venn diagrams were conceived
around 1880 by John Venn. They are used to teach elementary set theory, as well
as illustrate simple set relationships in probability, logic, statistics,
linguistics and computer science.
=> How desperate were
those people in the lorry to move to another country from their home?
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