Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak
- Blog Speak how considerate you are to/of others 4-5 sentences
Inside Reading-2 Unit 5 Reading-1 The Weather Goes to Court: Forensic Meteorology #3
Words/Expressions #1 [ ~ Careful Records]
Blog Judicial terms
L2 confess-confession: court, Roman Catholic L6 overhear
L12 strategy Dic a long-term plan for success, esp in
biz/politics; planning/conduct of a war; Strategy wins the war, tactics win the battle. marketing/financial/political/diplomatic/military
~/-ies: -> Strategy and action plan
=> Pair What is your strategy to be successful in the future? => What
action plans do you have?
sound waves L33 Dic forensic relating to/connected with a court of law;
judicial, legal: ~ science
phenomena(pl) <-phenomenon a fact/occurrence/circumstance observed or
observable; occurrence, incident L49 precipitation rain, snow, sleet, dew, the amount
precipitated L50 inhabited place-> inhabitant
-> habitable L52 inauguration-inaugurate to commence officially or formally;
initiate L53 Fahrenheit:
water freezes into ice is defined as 32 ℉, and the boiling point of water is defined
to be 212 ℉ – Celsius ☆100
℉ was about the
body temp.
Fahrenheit to Celsius: ([°F] − 32) × 5⁄9 (or 1.8)
- Celsius to Fahrenheit: [°C] × 9⁄5 (or 1.8) + 32
Open Forum-1 Unit 5 Listening 1 Interview with an
with an anthropologist A= Interviewer, B = Anthropologist, Julian
- Preparing for Listening: Read the Description on page 37
=> Pair to discuss what anthropology is and what an
anthropologist do?
- Listen ->
Main Ideas, More Details, especially 5 and 6.
- Listen > More
Details-1 thru 4 to understand the four categories of Anthropology
=> Speak What
anthropology is and it four areas in 60 sec.
=> Speak Which of the four areas of anthropology are you interested
in more than the others? Why?
Interest Blog 自動翻訳への対応と活用 =>
you need to learn a foreign language?
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