

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1 
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak  - Blog Speak when and why you listen to music or read a book in 4-6 sen.
Inside Reading-2 Unit 5  Reading-2  Weather, Climate, or Both? #1
- Before You Read-3. Locate the places=> Pair The capital of the places
- Skimming: Title, sub titles, chart, Read Par.1, 2, first sentences and the last paragraph
    => Speak what this text is about in one sentence
   Climate has huge impact on weather but it is difficult to predict the change until it actually happens.
- Before reading: CE (Common Era=AD), BCE (Before Common Era=BC)
- Read-> Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the paragraph/Line #, Correct false statements.
Open Forum-1 Unit 5  Listening 1 Interview with an anthropologist              
Interview with an anthropologist               A= Interviewer, B = Anthropologist, Julian Tate
- Preparing for Listening: Read the Description on page 37
=> Pair to discuss what anthropology is and what an anthropologist do?
- Listen -> Main Ideas, More Details, especially 5 and 6.
- Listen > More Details-1 thru 4 to understand the four categories of Anthropology
=> Speak What anthropology is and it four areas in 60 sec.
Anthropology is the study of humans, past and present.
To understand the full sweep and complexity of cultures across all of human history, anthropology draws and builds upon knowledge from the social and biological sciences as well as the humanities and physical sciences. A central concern of anthropologists is the application of knowledge to the solution of human problems. Historically, anthropologists in the United States have been trained in one of four areas: sociocultural anthropology, biological/physical anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics. Anthropologists often integrate the perspectives of several of these areas into their research, teaching, and professional lives.  - from American Anthropological Association
Archeology/Archaeology is the study of cultures of the past, and of periods of history by examining the remains of buildings and objects found in the ground.
Linguistics is the scientific study of language or of particular languages.
=> Speak Which of the four areas of anthropology are you interested in more than the others? Why?
Interest Blog  Data Scienceとは        DSを学べる大学・学部         横浜市立大                         武蔵野大学

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