

STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak  - Blog 都道府県別人口推計 
Tokyo is very crowded, and houses are very expensive. But the populations of Tokyo and the surrounding prefectures are increasing while the ones of other prefectures are decreasing.
Why do more people move to Tokyo area? Speak your answer in 4-6 sen.
Inside Reading-2 Unit 6  Reading-1  Fat for Brains #1
Before you Read: Pair 1. Name a couple of unhealthful foods that you eat often. Why do you like them? 2. Name a couple of healthful foods that you eat often. Do you like the taste?
Excerpt from a nutrition manual explains the psychological benefits of certain fats.
 Dic acid  a liquid chemical compound that contains hydrogen with pH under 7. ~ rain, test -> acidic (adj)<-> alkaline [ælkəlaɪn/lɪn]
- Preview: Check the title, headings, photos/captions-> Predict the topic
=> Skim the text           => Write the topic of the text in one sentence:
              The balance of the type of fat affects physical and brain performance as well as emotion.
- Read-1 Underline the topic sentences/main ideas
              => Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.
Open Forum-1 Unit 5  Listening 1 Interview with an anthropologist   #2
- Blog Listen w/Script-> Vocabulary: human origins, genetics, biological variation, area of specialty, vary-variable-variation, introduce-introductory, sub-category, broaden and expand, fascinating field
- Vocabulary/p.37-38
- ist: person, member - anthropologist, artist, pianist, dentist, psychologist, chemist, socialist, egoist 
- ian: specialist - mathematician, politician, musician, magician, physician, historian, librarian,
- al: official, professional,
- or: thing, person - actor, mayor, governor, conductor, escalator, elevator
- er: think, person - employer, announcer, manager, speaker, builder, villager, cooker, cooler/heater


Senior 2-Nov.28th

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1 
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak  - Blog 都道府県別人口推計 
Tokyo is very crowded, and houses are very expensive. But the populations of Tokyo and the surrounding prefectures are increasing while the ones of other prefectures are decreasing.

Why do more people move to Tokyo area? Speak your answer in 4-6 sen. 
Inside Reading Unit 9  Reading 2  Farming in Many Places #3
L2 estimate  
L3 strategy -> Corpus/p.141  ~ for doing sth/to do sth; plan, action, design, approach -> A.
         Pair-1 What is your strategy for -ing? => My strategy for -ing (sth) is to …
Pair-2 Do you have any strategy to do? => Yes. My strategy to do (sth) is to …
L5 maintain (p135); insist, believe L8 suitable for farming
L21 benefit Dic > Corpus/p.143  (adj) beneficial  helpful, useful, or good: to sth, to do sth
The improvement in sth had a beneficial effect/influence on the team.
A stay in the country will be beneficial to his/the health.
The psychiatric team decided that it would not be beneficial to keep her in hospital.  -> E.
=> Pair-1 What are the benefits of learning English?
=> Pair-2 What subject do you think is the most beneficial to study for your future?
L23 artificial lighting/light <-> natural 
L27 require -> requirement (L59) -> Corpus/p.142-> C.  Mark the word that determines the form.
L32 adjusting the nutrients  L34 the principles of  [L36] achieve success 
Read aloud Par.2-> Par.3=> STT
Read & Write Unit 7  Reading-1  Music and Shopping   #2

- Skimming: the Title and Subtitles-> Read the first and last par.
=> Pair Speak what this excerpt is about in one sentence.
- Read-> Underline the TS, Answer Main Ideas, Details
- Reading Skills: Identifying Supporting Sentences and Details
=> A/p.127: Identify TS and two SS in paragraph 4 and 5
=> B/p.128: Identify TS, SS and D in paragraph 2 and 3

Lesson Report Senior-1 November 27th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
It's November 28, 2019.
It's cloudy and cold again.
It's the last week in November. Time flies!!

Please review what you learned yesterday.

<Lesson Review>

Greeting  Date, weather
Warm up: two min. questions: => Tell me about your favorite food. (2 min. each)
ð  Report to a new partner in indirect speech (30 sec. each)

Speech:   Video  => Hiromitsu (Oct. 19)  => Kosei (Oct. 23) => Shuji (Oct. 26) => Ayaka (Oct. 30)   Live Kaoru (Nov. 2) =>  Kengo (Nov 6) => Natsumi (Nov. 9) => Masahiro (Nov. 13) => Keisuke (Nov. 16) => Akari (Nov. 20)  => Ami (Nov. 23) 

Eiken Pre 2nd Listening practice  2018-3

☆☆No. 19
Here’s your chicken burger and French fries, ma’am. Do you want some ketchup with that?
I didn’t order a chicken burger. I wanted a regular hamburger.
I’m sorry about that. I’ll bring your order in a few minutes.
Please hurry. I have to leave in 20 minutes.
☆☆Question: What is the woman’s problem?

The woman ordered a regular hamburger but she gets a chicken burger instead. The shop clerk apologized and will get her what she ordered.

Answer the question. => Listen again. => Tell the partner what they heard in two sentences. => Repeating => Shadowing

☆☆No. 29
Right before Wendy’s tennis lesson yesterday, she got a call from her 12-year-old son. Her son said that he had fallen off his bicycle and was in the hospital. Wendy explained this to her tennis coach and then went to the hospital quickly. At the hospital, she talked to the doctor and the doctor said her son’s leg was broken.
☆☆Question: Why did Wendy go to the hospital yesterday?

Wendy got a phone call from her son when her tennis lesson was about to start. He called her because he had a bike accident and was taken to the hospital to treat his broken leg.
Answer the question. => Listen again. => Tell the partner what they heard in two sentences. => Repeating =>Dictation => STT

Bridge Work Second Round (Workbook)
Chapter 30 Unit 1

(p. 12) Activity
Ask and answer, then report.
What does your mom often tell you to do?
What do you often ask your parents to do?
Who often asks you a favor? What does he/she ask you to do?
ð  Speak about yourself and your partner.

(p. 76 and 77) Vocabulary writing
Test yourself. Write the suitable words.
ð  Check pronunciation.

Make sentences orally.

Cover to Cover  Unit 7  Survivors  Part 2: An Unlikely Friendship

Task-1         Pr-2: The next day ~ from his familyを日本語にしなさい



Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1 
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak    
- Blog Among the one million international students studying in colleges in the US, approximately 370,000 are from China, 200,000 from India, 55,000 from South Korea, 44,000 from Saudi Arabia, but only 18,000 from Japan. Why Japanese students don’t study abroad/in the US as many as other Asian countries? Speak your answer in 4-6 sen.

Inside Reading-2 Unit 5  Reading 2  Weather, Climate, or Both? #4
- Vocabulary Activity A. “thundersnow”-> Practice reading aloud
=> Pair Check the understanding=> Read even/odd number paragraphs=> Change
4. troposphere: the lowest layer of the atmosphere, 10 km to 20 km high.
5. the Great Lakes: Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, forming the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth, containing 21% of the world's surface fresh water by volume.
 6. the western slopes of the mountains <= in northern hemisphere
- Vocabulary Activity B. Write synonyms of the informal words-> Check the text=> Pair
- Vocabulary Activity E. - while en route [ɑn ˈrut] on the way; The plane crashed ~ from Cairo to Athens.
 -disorient  to make unable to organize sth; confuse, distract: The darkness ~ d him.  
                                                                   - to make sb feel confused; ~d by sth
=> Speak your argument in 60 sec.
Read & Write-2 Unit 10 Reading 1: Flu FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) #3
- Vocabulary: virtual <-> real, outbreak-epidemic-pandemic
- Preview the Unit: Have you played a virtual game with an avatar? Did you see the movie Avatar?
- Read-1 -> Main Ideas, Details
- Read-2 => Speak Explain the incident in two minutes.
- What do you think-B: 2. What can school do to prevent the spread of the flu?

              => Speak your response in 90 seconds to explain at least one specific action or measure.