
Advancing Sep.18th

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1  
STT-Speaking Blog Speak what in 5-6 sen.
Speak What you would have done if you had had another month in the last summer vacation in 4~6 sen.
Inside Reading-2 Unit 3  Reading 1 Looking for Bad Guys at the Big Game #4
- Review the text -> Read aloud Par.5,6=> STT Par.5,6
-> Vocabulary Activity-A/p.38  device, undertake, adjacent to, justifiably, modify
-> Word Form Chart/p.40
=> Do you think your school should have a face recognition and personal identification system, like NEC’s promotion video, to enhance security? Speak your answer in 60 sec.
Inside Reading-Extension Blog Genetically Modified Crop
Genetically modified crops, GMCs or GM crops, are plants used in agriculture whose DNA has been modified using genetic engineering technique to introduce a new trait to the plant such as resistance to certain pests, diseases, or environmental conditions, reduction of spoilage, or resistance to chemical treatments, or improving the nutrient profile of the crop. The use of genetically modified crops has been a highly controversial issue. Some people believe such modification to the gene shouldn’t be justified and are concerned about unexpected consequences of artificial engineering to crops while others anticipate more crops will be genetically modified in the future to deal with the population growth and global warming.
=> What do you think? Will you just eat naturally created and grown food or accept artificially engineered and modified food? Speak your answer in 60 sec.
=> Write your Answer in four to five sentences.

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