Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-2
Inside Reading-1 Unit 9 Reading 2
Exploring the Deep Ocean #1
Before you read: Metric conversions
The knot [nɑt]
is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, exactly 1.852 km/h
Skim: The title, photos and captions, and subheadings
=> Predict the content of the journal article
Read Intro Par., first sentence of each Par, Last Par.
=> Speak the main idea of the article in one sentence.
Submersible [səbˈmɝː.sə.bəl] is
a small vehicle designed to operate underwater, usually supported by a surface
vessel, platform, shore team or sometimes a larger submarine.
This article explains what
Alvin, a deep-sea submersible, is like and explores in the deep ocean.
Reading Comprehension: Underline/Mark the key words to look for.
-> Read
T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false
statements => Pair Check the
Open Forum-1 Chapter 1 Listening-1 Radio
Report about Babies and Sign Language #2
- Listen w/Transcript Blog
Explain the
advantages of teaching sign language to babies in 60 sec.
Vocabulary: frustrating-frustrated
at/with sth -frustration, toddler, figure out, fascinating
Speak your
answer: Do you think people can communicate with others better by using sign
language or any other non-verbal communication like gestures?
Vocabulary: Verbs of
Communication talk/speak to sb,
say/explain/tell sth to sb, tell/ask sb sth
-> Ex-1 -> Ex-2 => Ex-3 Ask & Answer
the questions: talk to, tell you, explain to you, say
Interest Blog Classification of Sign
Interest Japanese American French
Sign Languages, JSL, ASL & LSF
(4:21 just part is fine)
=> Speak your answer.
If you have a chance to learn a sign language, which sign one will you learn?
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