
Advancing 1-May 11th

Eiken Lis-2nd 
Inside Reading-1 Unit 9  Reading 1 Saving the Oceans #3
- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions #1
[ ~L30]  L1 occupy - to fill, exist in, or use a place or period of time; cover, fill, use, sit, take up: a big sofa ~ies the living room.  - to move into and take control and/or possession of a place  - occupied with/by sth, -ing; busy or interested: mind is by/with sth -> occupation  - job, - a regular activity - the act of controlling a place by military 
L4 facilitate  to make something possible or easier; assist, smooth, promote : The new ramp will ~the entry of wheelchairs. L5 regarded ~ as  to consider or think about sth in a particular way: ~ sb highly, The teacher regarded her as the smartest in the class.
L6 infinite [ˈɪn·fə·nɪt] - without limits; extremely large or great: ~ space, number of  -> infinity
<- finite [ˈfɑɪ·nɑɪt] having a limit or end: ~ amount of time to …  Corpus/p135 => E.
L7 impact on :  have/made an ~ on sth  east/soften the ~ of -> Corpus/p136
L12 overfishing  L14 reproduce-> reproduction  L14 cod   L15 yield (n) a profit or an amount esp. of a crop produced: crop ~s  (v) produce, give up  L16 reach maturity  L19 immature  L22 fished species-> fish species  L25 food supply  L30 malnutrition <- mal-  badly, wrongly -> malfunction, malformed baby 
-> Read aloud Par.1 => STT
[How Humans/~L46]  L34 discard  to throw away or get rid of sth because you no longer want it; get rid of, dump, eliminate, cancel: ~ed food container  L37 toxic chemicals  L40 thoughtlessly <-> thoughtfully 
L42 spill (n) (v) -spilled/spilt to (cause to) flow, move, fall, or spread over the edge or outside the limits of something: spilled coffee on a shirt/~ over the floor 
L42 contribute        participate or contribute -> Corpus/p136 => I. <=Just read the passage
L45 annually<- annual -> D/p134  L46 ultimately <-ultimate [ˈʌl·tə·mət]; last, final, greatest, best, fundamental
-> Read aloud Par.4 => STT
Open Forum-1 Chapter 1  Listening-1 Radio Report about Babies and Sign Language          #1
- Introduction: 1. What are they doing?  2. Show any non-verbal communication.
- Preparing to Listen
- Listen-> Main Ideas, More Details
- Listen=> Take notes to explain why some parents learn sign language and what it does in 60 sec
=> Speak
- Interest Blog What is Sign Language?
Examples of American Sign Language: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cayMkVidpc 

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