Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-2
Inside Reading-1 Unit 9 Reading 1 Saving
the Oceans #4
- Read
aloud by Section to learn words/expressions #2
L47 run-off Surface runoff (also known as overland flow)
is the flow of water that occurs when excess stormwater, meltwater, or other
sources flows over the Earth's surface. (phr verb) an extra competition or election to
decide the winner L48 nutrients L48 fertilizers L49 traced to discover its cause or origin: The outbreak
of food poisoning was traced to contaminated shellfish.
L50 algae [ˈæl.dʒiː] (pl) -> (sing)
alga [ˈæl·dʒi] and bacteria
(pl) -> (sing) bacterium L51 feed
on; consume, prey on
L52 aggregation
<- aggregate (v) [ ˈæɡ·rɪˌɡeɪt] to bring different things together; combine (adj) [ˈæɡ·rɪ·ɡət] formed by adding together several amounts
or things; total, combined-> Corpus/p134
L53 eroding<-
erode - to rub or be rubbed
away gradually: Wind and rain have eroded
the statue. - to slowly reduce or
destroy something: His
behavior eroded my confidence in his judgment. -> erosion L55 contain
L56 flesh
L58 compatible with
(machines/computer) able to
be used together: ~ software/system -
able to exist or be used together: ~
blood groups -> Corpus/p135
L59 terminate; stop, finish, conclude, cut
off ->termination L62 sea reserves L63 temporarily banned
enterprises L64 aquaculture ->agriculture
enacting strict controls; authorize, establish, legislate - execute, accomplish L70 dispose
of L75 at once
-> Read aloud Par.6 => STT
Review: Read
the text aloud -> Vocabulary Activity
Vocabulary Activity F. => STT
Read & Write Unit 7 Writing #3
- Review Writing Blog Answer a test Question: Is it better to save
what you have or buy new things?
a paragraph to answer the question in
6 (1/2/2/1)
~ 8 (1/3/3/1) sentences. Write two reasons to support your answer. Try to use a variety of
sentence types to draw interest.
☆ Well organized, explained. Verb usage errors. Use Dic to
use verbs properly. Don’t use a Q to explain.
=> Revise=> Well explained and written: Aoi, Nao
-> Prepare
to prsent=> Speak to Group Others ask at
least one good question or comment.
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