
Senior 2-Feb.26th

Eiken Lis-2Q 2017-3  Review #18  Repeat=> Dictation
#4  Repeat => Speak in 2 sen => Repeat/Shadowing=> Repeat the dialogue
1. Report the talk in 2 sen. 1.TW asks the mechanic to look ~ because it’s been making noise for the last two days. 2. He tells her to bring ~ so that he … make a noise, other than that, need -ing

Comm. Practice Typing Lesson  Beginner Lesson 4  Learn touch typing

Schoolwork Review the last STT: 10 posted, still error => Read/Speak key words/phrases=> STT

Inside Reading-1 Unit 1  Reading-2  Segway into the Future #2
- Read by Section: Question Words-> Identify MI => Speak the MI
              => Write the Main Ideas of the article in five sentences.
1. What: The Segway is a personal transportation vehicle made with a platform, a post and two rubber wheels.
2. How-Segway vs. Bicycle: Unlike bicycles, Segways have no pedals or breaks but use a computer system to move in response to the rider’s movement.
While bicycles can go as fast and far as the rider pedals, the speed and distance Segways can travel is limited to the battery capacity.
3. How Segway is used: Segways are used to deliver things, assist people to move, and patrol public places.
4. Why not Used: Although Segways can take place for walking in some areas like delivering or patrolling, they are neither as popular nor practical as bicycles.
-> Read aloud [What is Segway?] => STT

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