
Senior 2-Feb.19th

Eiken Lis-2Q 2017-3  Review #17  Repeat=> Dictation
#3  Repeat => Speak in 2 sen => Repeat/Shadowing=> Repeat the dialogue
1. Report the talk in 2 sen. 1. TM asks if he … 2. TW tells him to park … parking lot/space/garage

Schoolwork Review the last STT: 10 posted, still error => Read/Speak key words/phrases=> STT

Comm. Practice  Typing Lesson  Beginner Lesson 2b  Learn touch typing

Inside Reading-1 Unit 1  Reading-1  Riding through History #5
- Review STT reading=> STT again
- Read aloud to review -> Match the Chart/p.4 with the technologies described in the text.
-> Voca-A/p.5 to review words=> STT Read 6-10.  <- aluminum[əˈlu·mə·nəm], titanium[tɑɪˈteɪ·ni·əm]
              Video: Tour de France 2018 Teaser (1:22)
              Blog Wiki: Tour de France => Explain what Tour de France is in three sentences.

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