
Senior 2-Aug.22nd

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-2  
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak
Blog Speak what you usually do on a Sunday evening when you have neither assignment nor exams in 5-6 sen.
Inside Reading Unit 7  Unit 7  Reading 1 Bar Codes  #3
- Read -> Review >Blog Write what bar codes are, how they work, and how they are used in 4-6 sentences.
- Reading Skill: Identifying Steps in a Sequence -> Apply
- Review a Skill: Identifying Time Signals/p.84
- Words & Phrases #1  Intro ~ Need for Bar Code
[Intro-L1] Dic item something that is part of a list or group of things: the last ~ on the list, 50 ~s on the menu.   pattern [ˈpæt̬.ɚn] a particular way in which something is done, is organized, or happens: a change in weather ~s.
L5 technology/p.101 -> A. /p.101
L7 invent/p.104                       L10 add up; calculate, total   L20 checkout process 
L26 automatic/p.103
-> Read aloud: Need for Bar Codes => STT
Read & Write Unit 4  Read-1  The Power of Positive Thinking? #1
- Vocabulary-> how to look up a phrasal verb-1: Dic work out   (=> Vocabulary Skill/p.71-> p.72)
- Read-> Main Ideas: Identify the key words in the text that made you find the answers
              -> Details: Underline the key words that made you decide your answers
Interest Blog自衛隊の縦割り組織

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