
Advancing 1-Aug.31st

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1 
STT-Speaking Blog Speak what you will do if you find your HR T on the train, but he/she hasn’t noticed, and probably won’t notice you in 5-6 sen.
Inside Reading-2 Unit 2  Reading 2  Product Placement   #3
- Study Words/Expressions #1
[P1-L4] deed: act/action  [L14] contradict  to assert the contrary or opposite of, deny directly and categorically
-> Word Form Chart/p.30
 contradiction (various to sth, conflict, disagreement, dispute, going against/opposite)
 contradictory (inconsistent; incompatible) ~ statements, the advice was ~
 contrary (opposite in nature/character, opposed: ~ to fact; ~ propositions: on the ~: also/then)
  -> controversy (discussion many disagree) cause ~, ~ over/about the location
  -> controversial (causing a log of disagreement) ~ issue/topic/decision/book/plan
[P2-L20] arise-arose-arisen; appear, occur, begin, rise, get up, wake   [L25] revenue  gov. income from tax, gross income from biz: tax ~s, in ~   [L26] likable: nice, attractive, appealing   [L29] subsidize  - Corpus/p.22: subsidize (v) -subsidization(n) Dic                to give money to get started/operated, finance, sponsor, fund: school is ~d by the government. subsidy (n) money paid to help a service running/product competitive: agriculture/housing ~
to aid or support with a subsidy, a financial aid supplied by a government to industry, financial aid; endowment, support, payment-> subsidization   [P3-L32] apparent  possible, clear, obvious, evident - apparently   [L33] subtle -subtler/more ~  not immediately obvious or comprehensible, difficult to detect or analyze; nice, quiet, delicate, clever, sophisticated: a ~ scent, ~ change/approach  [L40] feature  include a particular person/thing: the movie ~s …, hotels ~d in the brochure  [L41] registered as: recorded as  [P4-L54] equate  to regard, treat, or represent as equivalent- equal-equation 
[L51] convert (v) to change/adapt the form, character, or function of; transform– convert (n) – conversion
-> B./p.30 ~ euros to dollars, ~ coal to gas, ~ a bed into a sofa, ~ from Christianity to Islam, ~ to a vegetarian
- convert (noun) a ~ to Islam, a ~ from a communist
- convertible (adj) ~ sofa, ~ currencies, ~ into ordinary shares,
- converter (noun) digital to analog ~, currency ~
- conversion (noun) ~ of a house into …, house ~. ~ from analog to digital, ~ table, currency ~
-> divert-diversion: the Chicago bound flight was ~ed to Minneapolis.
-> revert-reversion: the car was ~ed back to its original condition
                 -> 1./p.30
[P5-L57] consciousness-conscious (aware of one’s surroundings, thoughts or motivations, aware of/giving value or emphasis to a particular fact/thing; alert, aware, deliberate, intentional: I am ~ of your great kindness, a ~ effort/rudeness  [L58] longstanding: lasting, deep routed, continuing  [L58] distraction-distract  divert attention; disturb, trouble, confuse: The music ~ed him from his work. 
Open Forum-1 Unit 3  Listening 2 Classroom Lecture on Bees   #1
- Before Listening: What do bees do? Have you ever been stung by a bee?
- Prepare to Listen
What is a sweet sticky yellow substance made by bees and eaten by humans, bears and aunts=> honey
What is a sweet liquid produced by flowers and collected by bees to make honey? => nectar
What is a structure made for bees to live in? => hive
- Listen-> Main Idea, More Detail
- Listen by Part => Task-1 Describe what the bee’s society is like in 90 sec.

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