
Senior 2-Feb.4th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2015-2 

BW-Voca in Use Unit 34-Unit 1  VIU-1
-- CD Practice Pronunciation-> TTS Practice Reading -> Read the Sentences aloud => STT 
BW-Review Unit 33  Unit 2
- Read GIU

BW-Practice Unit 34  Unit 1
- G&C-1-> Ex.1.2=> Pair What is a/an occupation? => A/An ~ is someone who …
- G&C-1-> Ex.1.3=> Pair Do you know an animal that …? => I know/don’t know an animal that … It’s
-> Pair Do you know the language that is spoken in …? => I know/don’t know the language that … It’s

Inside Reading Unit 1 Reading 1  An Early Brain Map   #1
Target Words-Stress: complex (adj/v) [kəmˈplɛks, ˈkɒm plɛks].  (n) [ˈkɒm plɛks]
- Before you Read 3.
- Preview: Check the title, headings, image/captions, chart=> Predict the topic-1
- phrenology/p.4 [frɪˈnɒl ə dʒi, frɛ-] a psychological theory or analytical method based on the belief that certain mental faculties and character traits are indicated by the configurations of the skull.
- Read the Introduction (L1~L8)=> Predict the topic-2
                   - Dic behavior  a particular way of acting; manner : the ~ the fans, common ~s
-> behave [bɪˈheɪv] to act in a particular way; The ship ~s well.   to act properly: Did the child ~? ~ yourself!
- Before Reading  bump (L16) a small area raised above the level of the surrounding surface: He tripped over a ~.
-> Read: Reading Comprehension:
Underline the key words to look for. Mark the line #, Correct false statements.
=> Read aloud Intro => STT

=> Do you think she made a good speech?

=> What do you think is important to make a speech

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