Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-1
Speak to Learn C26-U1: Present Tense: about yourself #2
- Pair Talk about yourself in 60 sec; who you are, what you like/do
=> Q&A => Report in 3 sen STT
Inside Reading Unit 1 Engineering
- Read by Section-> Identify MI => Speak the MI => STT
=> Blog Write the Main Ideas of the article in three sentences.
1. Velocipedes were created in the early 1800s in Scotland and were used just as toys.
2, 3, 4. Even though various improvements were made over time, velocipedes were hard to ride because they were still hard and impractical to use. (French inventor added pedals, American manufactures built with hollow steel tubes to make them lighter, British engineers made the front wheel larger, American engineers redesigned the pedaling mechanism)
5. With the final design changes around 1900, the modern bicycle was created and became a popular vehicle to anyone.
Read & Write Unit 1 Trend: Why does something become popular?
Preview the Unit - A: Listen to the Q-classroom/Web=> Discuss the questions
- C: Read and understand what social, network and social network are about.
- D-1,2,4 => Pair the questions w/partner in two or three sentences.
Reading 1: The Popularity of Social Network #1
- Vocabulary: express [ɪkˈsprɛs] spread-spread-spread
- Useful Internet Terms/p.6: blog, chat, comments, instant messaging, interactive, link, online, post, site
Mobile message app/messenger: SNS LINE, WhatsApp/FB, FB Messenger, WeChat/Tencent
- Listen/Read Q-Skill Underline the main points and mark signal words/subjects
=> Speak the main ideas in three sentences.
Interest Back to School (1:03) => Blog School Calendars Around The World
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