Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd
Speak to Learn C27 Past tense
- Pair/Group Speak 5 sen about an event/incident you enjoyed, encountered, or experienced.
Choose the subject of the sentences carefully. Avoid saying “I” repeatedly.
=> Q&A for a minute=> Blog Report the event/incident you heard in 3~4 sentences
Inside Reading Unit 1 Reading 2 Segway into the Future #2
- Read by Section: Question Words-> Identify MI => Speak the MI => STT
=> Blog Write the Main Ideas of the article in three sentences.
Read & Write Unit 1 Reading 2: A Song Becomes a Hit #1
- Vocabulary: make up (V-Phrase) - (of parts) to constitute; compose; form - to put together; construct; compile. make up for. to compensate for; make good. - to apply cosmetics. - Education. to take an examination that one had been unable to take when first given, usually because of absence.
quality – character, nature, grade; value, condition: the quality of a sound. food of poor~ -a personality or character trait; character, nature: kindness is one of her many good qualities.
- Skim the Text: Par-1, 8, first sentences of the other pars. => Speak Main Idea in 1 sen.
- Read the text=> Speak Main Idea in 3 sen, including why (= Salganik’s thoughts)
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