- Review Writing the paragraph to explain a music plan for your business
-> Write a TS: I want to use/play ~ music for my ~ business.
-> Refer to the questions=> Think of two SSs
- Think of one or two details/examples about each SS. Use “it” as the subject.
☆- Most of them show good structure; TS-SS-SD/Example. - relax-relaxing-relaxed. - make sb v
=> Read other music plans.
=> Revise Shunsuke’s: good reasoning but wrong structure
=> Post the model: In my cafe, I’ll use various kinds of music according to the time of the day.
In the morning, I’ll play classical music which makes my customers relaxed. They can enjoy peaceful time and will come back again.
In the afternoon, I’ll use pop music for younger customers like students. They’ll enjoy familiar music to them.
In the evening, I choose jazz for my adult customers. They can enjoy alcohol drinks in a relaxing atmosphere.
2. Cover to Cover Unit 8 Viewpoints Part 2 All in a Day’s Work
- Before Reading: Which job statement do you agree with more than the others?
- Fluency Strategy: Previewing and Predicting: subheading, caption => Task-A
- Read-1-> Checking Fluency and Comprehension
- Read w/CD -> Read aloud Par.1-2=>WS Task-1
Par-1 Their answers revealed some ~ attitude towards work.を日本語で説明しなさい。
reveal to make known; disclose, uncover, unveil; announce, publish: ~ a secret. - revelation
distinctly<- distinct - different in nature or quality; different, specific, distinctive: Gold is ~ from iron.
- clear to the senses or intellect; plain; unmistakable, apparent, obvious: The ship appeared as a ~ silhouette.
- Expanding Vocabulary-A, B
- secure (adj) safe, protected; stable, solid; certain, sure: a ~ safe, a ~ hideout, The building was ~.
(v) ; obtain, capture; protect, make safe, assure, ensure: ~ the government position, ~ the town, ~ reputation
- motive - sth that causes a person to act in a certain way, do a certain thing; incentive, cause, reason
- the goal or object of a person's actions; aim, intention, motivation : Her ~ was revenge <-motivate
3. Interest of the Day Job Interview English
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